
<div class="control-field">
    <input type="text" id="ad-username" data-validation="required" data-validation-if-checked="isSecured" name="adusername" placeholder="AD Username"/>

<div class="control-field">
    <input type="text" id="ad-password" data-validation="required server"  name="adpassword"  placeholder ="AD Password" data-validation-url="/FormValidation/CheckPassword" />

控制器 :

public JsonResult CheckPassword(string adusername, string adpassword) {

  FormValidator validator = new FormValidator();

  if (true) {
    validator.valid = false;
    validator.message = "User name and password did not match";

  return Json(validator);


jQuery 验证:

      modules: 'security',
      form: '#existing-form',
      validateOnBlur: false, // disable validation when input looses focus
      errorMessagePosition: 'element', // Instead of 'element' which is default
      scrollToTopOnError: false,// Set this property to true if you have a long form
      language: {
          requiredFields: "This field is required"

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