我已经修改了 OneHotEncoder 示例以实际训练 LogisticRegression。我的问题是如何将生成的权重映射回分类变量?
def oneHotEncoderExample(sqlContext: SQLContext): Unit = {
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(Seq(
(0, "a", 1.0),
(1, "b", 1.0),
(2, "c", 0.0),
(3, "d", 1.0),
(4, "e", 1.0),
(5, "f", 0.0)
)).toDF("id", "category", "label")
val indexer = new StringIndexer()
val indexed = indexer.transform(df)
indexed.select("id", "categoryIndex").show()
val encoder = new OneHotEncoder()
val encoded = encoder.transform(indexed)
encoded.select("id", "features").show()
val lr = new LogisticRegression()
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
.setStages(Array(indexer, encoder, lr))
// Fit the pipeline to training documents.
val pipelineModel = pipeline.fit(df)
val lorModel = pipelineModel.stages.last.asInstanceOf[LogisticRegressionModel]
println(s"LogisticRegression: ${(lorModel :LogisticRegressionModel)}")
// Print the weights and intercept for logistic regression.
println(s"Weights: ${lorModel.coefficients} Intercept: ${lorModel.intercept}")
权重:[1.5098946631236487,-5.509833649232324,1.5098946631236487,1.5098946631236487,-5.509833649232324] 截距:2.6679020381781235