假设,我有一个抽象类 2 接口:

public abstract class Entity
    public abstract void Interact(Entity entity);

public interface IFoo 
    void DoFoo();

public interface IBar
    void DoBar();


public class Foo : Entity, IFoo
    public override void Interact(Entity entity)
        // do something with entity...

    public void DoFoo()
       // Do foo stuff here..

public class Bar : Entity, IBar
    public override void Interact(Entity entity)
        // do something with obj..

    public void DoBar()
       // Do bar stuff here..


var foo = new Foo();
var bar = new Bar();

foo.Interact(bar); // OK!
bar.Interact(foo); // OK too!


var foo = new Foo();
var anotherFoo = new Foo();
var bar = new Bar();

foo.Interact(anotherFoo); // OK!
foo.Interact(bar); // give compile time error
bar.Interact(foo); // this one should give compile time error too



1 回答 1



Entity 与 IFoo 或 IBar 没有关系
Foo 与 Entity 和 IFoo 有关系 Bat 与 Entity 和 IBar 有关系

因此,如果您只想与 IFoo 交互,则需要将 IFoo 指定为父级而不是实体

public class Foo : Entity, IFoo
    public void Interact(IFoo entity)
        // do something with entity...

    public void DoFoo()
       // Do foo stuff here..

public class Bar : Entity, IBar
    public void Interact(IBar entity)
        // do something with obj..

    public void DoBar()
       // Do bar stuff here..



public abstract class Entity<T>
 where T:Entity
    void Interact(T entity);

这将允许您将 foo 声明为

public class Foo : Entity<Foo>, IFoo
    public override void Interact(Foo entity)
        // do something with entity...

    public void DoFoo()
       // Do foo stuff here..
于 2016-03-18T15:08:19.293 回答