在 FreeBSD 10.2 /etc/rc.d/jail 上使用 Ezjail-3.4.1 时,我对以下警告有疑问:警告:通过 jail_* var "enter code here" iables 进行的 Per-jail 配置已过时。请考虑迁移到 /etc/jail.conf “在此处输入代码”据我了解,这在 FreeBSD 9.0 中已更改,但自 10.2 以来,新方法是默认方法,并且正在生成警告。我无法要在 google 上找到有关此的任何信息,很多用户都提到了错误但忽略了它们,因为他们的监狱仍然有效。AFAIK 在 10.0 中,rc.d/jail 脚本将旧式 jail_ 变量转换为临时的 jail.conf 来处理监狱。所以警告是由 rc.d/jail 生成的



1 回答 1


如您所见,FreeBSD 10.x 上的 jails 使用一种新的配置方法。来自/usr/src/UPDATING

    The rc.d/jail script has been updated to support jail(8)
    configuration file.  The "jail_<jname>_*" rc.conf(5) variables
    for per-jail configuration are automatically converted to
    /var/run/jail.<jname>.conf before the jail(8) utility is invoked.
    This is transparently backward compatible.  See below about some
    incompatibilities and rc.conf(5) manual page for more details.

    These variables are now deprecated in favor of jail(8) configuration
    file.  One can use "rc.d/jail config <jname>" command to generate
    a jail(8) configuration file in /var/run/jail.<jname>.conf without
    running the jail(8) utility.   The default pathname of the
    configuration file is /etc/jail.conf and can be specified by
    using $jail_conf or $jail_<jname>_conf variables.

    Please note that jail_devfs_ruleset accepts an integer at
    this moment.  Please consider to rewrite the ruleset name
    with an integer.

ezjail从未更新为使用这种新方法,但没关系:FreeBSD 仍然接受以前的方法。您可以忽略此警告。

于 2016-03-21T23:40:00.630 回答