我觉得emacs ido显示的项目数有点少,如何更改ido显示的数量?
44 次
1 回答
C-h v ido-max-prospects
ido-max-prospects is a variable defined in `ido.el'.
Its value is 12
Upper limit of the prospect list if non-zero.
Zero means no limit for the prospect list.
For a long list of prospects, building the full list for the
minibuffer can take a non-negligible amount of time; setting this
variable reduces that time.
You can customize this variable.
(setq ido-max-prospects 5) ;; show 5 or fewer candidates in ido
顺便说一句,我通过查看M-x customize-group ido
于 2016-03-16T16:51:39.577 回答