如果我有一个带有 git repo checkout 的网络驱动器,例如,Windows 机器 (A) 上的 samba 驱动器连接到本地结帐所在的 Linux 机器 (B)。有没有办法让 A 上的客户——谁可以看到驱动器——通过 B 上定义的 ssh 访问来执行 git 操作?


1 回答 1


The filesystem on which the repository resides, should not make a big difference, from the perspective of git. Git just stores the data inside the directory structure, and in the root of the directory tree there is the .git-dir to keep the data (You can configure it to be elsewhere, but that's a different story).

So access to the repository is only defined by system level access configuration details. Anyone on A, who has access to the directory can see the repository. If he has write access, he can also do operations like commits into the repo. The same goes for B, so every user who can do stuff in the dir, can also make modifications to the repository. SSH-access or local shell doesn't make a difference in this setup.

于 2010-08-30T19:48:26.360 回答