I am using Visual studio 2013 and Mvc Framework. We are migrating the window desktop application to mvc web application.Right now i am searching the TextRenderer.MeasureText equivalent function for c# which i use in my project. Simple i want this convert function in mvc c#. Basically i searching Textrender.MeasureText Alternate option for this technology.
Private Sub DrawPointText(ByRef gr As Graphics, ByVal Color As Drawing.Color, ByRef Point As PointF, _
ByVal Corner As String, ByVal strOutput As String, Optional ByVal optFont As Font = Nothing, _
Optional ByVal intRotate As Integer = 0)
Dim fnt As New Font("New Times Roman", 12, FontStyle.Bold)
Dim strX As String
Dim TextPositionX As Double
Dim TextPositionY As Double
Dim TextShift As Size
Dim OrgPoint As VGS.PointD
Dim drawFormat As New System.Drawing.StringFormat
If Not optFont Is Nothing Then
fnt = optFont
End If
OrgPoint = RevertValue(Point)
strX = strOutput
TextShift = TextRenderer.MeasureText(strX, fnt)
Select Case Corner
Case "NE"
TextPositionX = Point.X
TextPositionY = Point.Y - TextShift.Height
Case "SE"
TextPositionX = Point.X
TextPositionY = Point.Y
Case "SW"
TextPositionX = Point.X - TextShift.Width
TextPositionY = Point.Y
Case "NW"
TextPositionX = Point.X - TextShift.Width
TextPositionY = Point.Y - TextShift.Height
Case Else
MessageBox.Show("Unknown Corner In DrawPointText")
End Select
If intRotate = 0 Then
gr.DrawString(strX, fnt, New SolidBrush(Color), TextPositionX, TextPositionY, drawFormat)
drawFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical
If intRotate > 0 Then
gr.DrawString(strX, fnt, New SolidBrush(Color), TextPositionY, -1 * TextPositionX) ', drawFormat
gr.DrawString(strX, fnt, New SolidBrush(Color), -1 * TextPositionY, TextPositionX) ', drawFormat
End If
gr.RotateTransform(-1 * intRotate)
End If
End Sub