在What is the copy and swap idiom和How to provide a swap function for my class之后,我尝试像在后者接受的答案选项 2 (具有调用成员函数的自由函数)中那样实现交换函数,而不是直接友好前一个链接中的免费功能。
#include <iostream>
// Uncommenting the following two lines won't change the state of affairs
// class Bar;
// void swap(Bar &, Bar &);
class Bar {
Bar(unsigned int bottles=0) : bottles(bottles) { enforce(); } // (1)
Bar(Bar const & b) : bottles(b.bottles) { enforce(); } // (1)
Bar & operator=(Bar const & b) {
// bottles = b.bottles;
// enforce();
// Copy and swap idiom (maybe overkill in this example)
Bar tmp(b); // but apart from resource management it allows (1)
// to enforce a constraint on the internal state
swap(*this, tmp); // Can't see the swap non-member function (2)
return *this;
void swap(Bar & that) {
using std::swap;
swap(bottles, that.bottles);
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, Bar const & b) {
out << b.bottles << " bottles";
return out;
unsigned int bottles;
void enforce() { bottles /=2; bottles *= 2; } // (1) -- Ensure the number of bottles is even
void swap(Bar & man, Bar & woman) { // (2)
int main () {
Bar man (5);
Bar woman;
std::cout << "Before -> m: " << man << " / w: " << woman << std::endl;
swap(man, woman);
std::cout << "After -> m: " << man << " / w: " << woman << std::endl;
return 0;
我知道复制和交换习语在这里有点过分,但它也允许人们通过复制构造函数 (1) 对内部状态实施一些约束(一个更具体的例子是保持一个简化形式的分数)。不幸的是,这不能编译,因为编译器看到的 (2) 的唯一候选者是 Bar::swap 成员函数。我是否坚持使用朋友非成员函数方法?