main.storyboard我可以通过手动编辑文件并更改useAutoLayout="YES"为来阻止它在启动时崩溃useAutoLayout="NO",但是当我在 Xcode 中打开main.storyboard文件时,它给了我以下错误:

The document "Main.storyboard" had 4 internal inconsistencies that were found and repaired.
This may be due to an SCM operation such as merging. Please save the document to fix the inconsistencies.
This constraint is not in the referencing constraints for its first item [<Unknown ID>]: object ID K4p-Wa-FrY
This constraint's [object ID 4bY-ZD-KPO] second item is not in the document
This constraint is not in the referencing constraints for its first item [<Unknown ID>]: object ID p48-i6-mG1
This constraint is not in the referencing constraints for its first item [<Unknown ID>]: object ID f2a-1r-b55

当我点击“OK”后保存它时,Xcode 再次崩溃。




1 回答 1


我想到了。我不得不使用文本编辑器打开main.storyboard文件,并删除所有包含 Xcode 大喊大叫的对象 ID 的行。

于 2016-03-13T23:14:58.770 回答