I have created a data class

data class Something (
    val a : String,
    val b : Object,
    val c : String

as later in my program, I need the string representation of this data class I tried to extend the toString method.

override fun Something.toString() : String = a + b.result() + c

The problem here is, it does not allow extending (overriding) the toString function, as it is not applicable to top-level functions.

How to properly override/extend the toString method of a custom dataclass?


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在 Kotlin 中,扩展函数不能覆盖成员函数,而且它们是静态解析的。这意味着如果您编写扩展函数fun Something.toString() = ...s.toString()将不会被解析为它,因为成员总是会获胜


data class Something(
    val a: String,
    val b: Any,
    val c: String
) {
    override fun toString(): String = a + b + c
于 2016-03-13T13:47:21.057 回答