Not finding anything here:
I'm looking for a web console for sending messages to apps - similar to what is offered by UrbanAirship and Parse (rest its soul).
Not finding anything here:
I'm looking for a web console for sending messages to apps - similar to what is offered by UrbanAirship and Parse (rest its soul).
是的,IBM Push Notification 服务有一个 Push Dashboard,您可以在其中编写消息、自定义通知有效负载、指定目标受众以及在生产和沙盒模式下向 iOS 和 Android 发送通知。
文档在这里稍微介绍一下:https ://
要访问它,您只需使用 MobileFirst Services Starter Boilerplate 创建一个 Bluemix 应用程序,然后从应用程序仪表板导航到 IBM Push Notifications 实例,此时系统将提示您提供 .p12 证书和/或 GCM证书。