以下是 1.0.3 版本的源代码:
def search_issues(self, jql_str, startAt=0, maxResults=50, validate_query=True, fields=None, expand=None,
Get a ResultList of issue Resources matching a JQL search string.
:param jql_str: the JQL search string to use
:param startAt: index of the first issue to return
:param maxResults: maximum number of issues to return. Total number of results
is available in the ``total`` attribute of the returned ResultList.
If maxResults evaluates as False, it will try to get all issues in batches of 50.
:param fields: comma-separated string of issue fields to include in the results
:param expand: extra information to fetch inside each resource
# TODO what to do about the expand, which isn't related to the issues?
infinite = False
maxi = 50
idx = 0
if fields is None:
fields = []
# If None is passed as parameter, this fetch all issues from the query
if not maxResults:
maxResults = maxi
infinite = True
search_params = {
"jql": jql_str,
"startAt": startAt,
"maxResults": maxResults,
"validateQuery": validate_query,
"fields": fields,
"expand": expand
if json_result:
return self._get_json('search', params=search_params)
resource = self._get_json('search', params=search_params)
issues = [Issue(self._options, self._session, raw_issue_json)
for raw_issue_json in resource['issues']]
cnt = len(issues)
total = resource['total']
if infinite:
while cnt == maxi:
idx += maxi
search_params["startAt"] = idx
resource = self._get_json('search', params=search_params)
issue_batch = [Issue(self._options, self._session, raw_issue_json) for raw_issue_json in
cnt = len(issue_batch)
return ResultList(issues, total)
返回的 ResultList的属性中提供了结果总数。
您可能还想设置maxResults = False
如果 maxResults 评估为 False,它将尝试批量获取所有问题。