officeProductionBean.officeName 仅在我手动刷新页面后加载。我在 Primefaces 5.3 中使用 @Managedbean 和 @SessionScoped 注释。

xhtml page 从另一个页面传递的值

        <f:viewParam name="id" value="#{officeProductionBean.officeCode}" />

        <p:dataTable value="#{officeProductionBean.officeProductions}" var="officeProductions">

            <f:facet name="header">
                <h:outputText value="Office Production for: #{officeProductionBean.officeName}"/>

            <p:column headerText="Total" >
                <h:outputText value="#{officeProductions.total}" />

            <p:column headerText="Volume" >
                <h:outputText value="#{officeProductions.volume}">
                    <f:convertNumber type="currency" currencySymbol="$" />

            <p:column headerText="Closing Date" >
                <h:outputText value="#{officeProductions.closingDate}" />


     public class OfficeProductionBean implements Serializable {

     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


    public List<OfficeProduction> getOfficeProductions() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLWarning, SQLException {
    Connection connect = null;

    try {
        connect = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, USERNAME, PASSWORD);

    } catch (SQLException ex) {
        System.out.println("in exec");

    officeProductions = new ArrayList<>();
    PreparedStatement ps = connect.prepareStatement("CALL OfficeMonthlyProduction(?);");
    ps.setString(1, officeCode);

    ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();

    barModel = new BarChartModel();
    ChartSeries office = new ChartSeries();

    while (rs.next()) {
        total = rs.getString("Total");
        volume = rs.getString("Volume");
        officeName = rs.getString("officename");
        closingDate = rs.getString("Closing Date");

        OfficeProduction officeProduction = new OfficeProduction(total, volume, closingDate, officeName);

        // Set data points for chart
        office.set(closingDate, Integer.parseInt(total));


    office.setLabel(officeName + " Production");

    barModel.setTitle("Monthly Production");

    Axis xAxis = barModel.getAxis(AxisType.X);

    Axis yAxis = barModel.getAxis(AxisType.Y);
    yAxis.setLabel("# of Transactions");


    return officeProductions;

public BarChartModel getBarModel() {
    return barModel;

// Only one office name.  Using it so I can populate form.
public String getOfficeName() {
    return officeName;

public String getOfficeCode() {
    return officeCode;

public void setOfficeCode(String officeCode) {
    this.officeCode = officeCode;


package beans;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class OfficeProduction {
private String total;
private String volume;
private String closingDate;
private String officeName;

public OfficeProduction(String total, String volume, String closingDate, String officeName) {
    this.total = total;
    this.volume = volume;
    this.closingDate = closingDate;
    this.officeName = officeName;

public String getTotal() {
    return total;

public void setTotal(String total) {
    this.total = total;

public String getVolume() {

    // Rather have done this in Presentation layer, but Primefaces is giving me a hard time.
    String volumeCurrency = DecimalFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(Double.parseDouble(volume));
    return volumeCurrency;

public void setVolume(String volume) {
    this.volume = volume;

public String getClosingDate() {
    return closingDate;

public void setClosingDate(String closingDate) {
    this.closingDate = closingDate;

public String getOfficeName() {
    return officeName;

public void setOfficeName(String officeName) {
    this.officeName = officeName;

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