I get an InvalidProgramException when trying to execute a particular procedure in an application I am working on when it has been compiled with optimizations (Visual Studio 2015). I used PEVerify to see what it says about the problem, and it tells me "Method[offset 0x00000351] Stack underflow".

Obviously I can fix the problem by turning optimizations off, but that is a less than optimal solution, as is waiting for MS to fix whatever bug causes it in the next version.

What can I do to fix a stack underflow error? If I had to guess I'd say that it's probably related to the fact that this class is somewhere around 18k lines, but there's not a lot I can do about that...

Edit: Just to be clear, I don't expect an answer along the lines of "delete lines 6276 and 6277", what I am looking for is general strategies for troubleshooting this type of problem in .net. Something like the answers to this ActionScript question: How to debug a runtime stack underflow error?, except specific to .net. I am posting this so that the next person that has this type of problem will have a starting point for what they might try to work around this issue.


1 回答 1


好的,首先 Invalid Program Exception 表明编译器有问题,而不是您的应用程序有问题。这意味着您可以在不运行应用程序的情况下测试问题是否仍然存在(或已演变为不同的问题)。一旦你看到这个错误,你就脱离了正常的调试场景——你没有做错什么,因此无法通过检查变量并查看你在哪里做错事来找到或解决问题。

第一个嫌疑人可能是优化 - 构建没有优化,看看你的 exe 是否仍然一团糟。如果是这样,您可以考虑关闭优化,这是一个足够的解决方法。您甚至可以使用 System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Methodimpl(methodimploptions.nooptimization) 为特定方法关闭它。

如果没有,或者这不会改变任何东西,您想找出触发错误的原因,而Peverify就是一个很好的起点。对已编译的 exe 运行它,它会列出所有存在错误代码的地方,即使它是一个未调用的方法。


于 2016-03-11T06:39:23.297 回答