How safe is it to use NXP's NTAG216 with pwd and pack authentification for room access control? On the official nxp site the target application for NTAG216 is not access control.

The data on our tags is read and write protected by the pwd. We are using different pwds and packs for each tag.

As we understand the datasheet of NTAG216 it is not possible to read pwd and pack, is this correct?


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简而言之,NTAG216 密码由阅读器以明文形式传输,因此攻击者所要做的就是在安全门上进行欺骗和重放。这甚至可以在几米的距离内完成。

使用合适的设备,我大约需要两个小时才能破解基于 NTAG216 的访问控制系统。

然后另一方面,许多酒店仍在使用完全损坏的 mifare 经典标签进行访问控制,似乎没有人关心。

于 2016-03-11T02:28:02.083 回答