我在 2014 年 1 月 6 日使用 Openssl 1.0.1f 在 Ubuntu 14.04 上运行 Openssl 验证命令时收到错误消息。错误0x2F067065与错误字符串有关time stamp routines:TS_CHECK_SIGNING_CERTS:ess signing certificate error

时间戳提供者怀疑这是一个 Openssl 错误。Openssl 正忙于新版本,对这个低优先级的问题没有响应。



openssl ts -verify -digest e16db7d30581e44a5540f19553852b5a4e4e26f9adc365cc846f94038ee33025 \
-in /tmp/namirial.tsr -CAfile /tmp/NamirialCATSA.pem

Verification: FAILED
140236013643424:error:2F067065:time stamp routines:TS_CHECK_SIGNING_CERTS:ess signing
certificate error:ts_rsp_verify.c:291:


这是我调用 openssl 库来执行验证的 PHP 代码,关于如何找到类似库的任何帮助(因为这似乎是 Openssl 中的一个错误,因此我需要使用另一个库)以及如何从 PHP 中调用它在 Ubuntu 中?

    public static function validate ($hash, $base64_response_string, $response_time, $tsa_cert_file)
    //if (strlen($hash) !== 40)
    //if (strlen($hash) !== 64)  // sha256
        //throw new Exception("Invalid Hash");

    $binary_response_string = base64_decode($base64_response_string);

    if (!strlen($binary_response_string))
        throw new Exception("There was no response-string");    

    if (!intval($response_time))
        throw new Exception("There is no valid response-time given");

    if (!file_exists($tsa_cert_file))
        throw new Exception("The TSA-Certificate could not be found");

    $responsefile = self::createTempFile($binary_response_string);
    $cmd = "openssl ts -verify -digest ".escapeshellarg($hash)." -in ".escapeshellarg($responsefile)." -CAfile ".escapeshellarg($tsa_cert_file);

    $retarray = array();
    exec($cmd." 2>&1", $retarray, $retcode);
    if(unlink($responsefile)) {
            If ($debugMN) {echo " File Deleted Tempfile in validate"; }       

     * just 2 "normal" cases: 
     *  1) Everything okay -> retcode 0 + retarray[0] == "Verification: OK"
     *  2) Hash is wrong -> retcode 1 + strpos(retarray[somewhere], "message imprint mismatch") !== false
     * every other case (Certificate not found / invalid / openssl is not installed / ts command not known)
     * are being handled the same way -> retcode 1 + any retarray NOT containing "message imprint mismatch"

    if ($retcode === 0 && strtolower(trim($retarray[0])) == "verification: ok")
        if (self::getTimestampFromAnswer ($binary_response_string) != $response_time)
            throw new Exception("The responsetime of the request was changed");

        return true;
    foreach ($retarray as $retline)
        if (stripos($retline, "message imprint mismatch") !== false)
            return false;
    throw new Exception("Systemcommand failed: ".implode(", ", $retarray));



1 回答 1



您的提供商很可能会在 TS 响应中添加一些属性证书——我猜他正在使用启用了 TAC 的 DSE200,很可能其他人都看到了类似的问题——而 OpenSSL 目前不支持这种情况。您可以从 openssl-users 邮件列表中查看这个较旧的线程,其中已详细讨论了此问题。

于 2016-03-10T12:29:18.640 回答