I have a testing case in Swift trying to wait for a property change:
import XCTest
class AsynchronyousKVOTests: XCTestCase {
let testedObject : TestedObjet = TestedObjet.init()
func testKeyValueObservingExpectationForObject() {
// 1st approach, fails:
keyValueObservingExpectationForObject(self.testedObject, keyPath: "testedProperty") { object, changes in
return true // Breakpoint never reached!
// 2nd approach, also fails:
keyValueObservingExpectationForObject(self.testedObject, keyPath: "testedProperty", expectedValue: "After")
// Expectation not fullfilled
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(2, handler: nil)
class TestedObjet : NSObject {
var testedProperty : NSString = "Before"
func updateTestedPropertyAsynchronyously(value: NSString) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), {
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
self.testedProperty = value
Why testKeyValueObservingExpectationForObject
handler block is never called?