我已将我的 sip 提供商 ip 更改为 MY.SIP.PROV.IP 并将他们的域更改为 MYSIPPROVIDER.COM 并将我的电话号码更改为 XXXXXXXXXX....
这是 CLI 日志。我可以拨出,但我无法使入站路由正常工作...感谢您提供任何帮助。
2016-03-09 22:59:50.981898 [DEBUG] sofia.c:9124 IP MY.SIP.PROV.IP Rejected by acl "domains". Falling back to Digest auth.
2016-03-09 22:59:50.981898 [WARNING] sofia_reg.c:2852 Can't find user [@MYSIPPROVIDER.COM] from MY.SIP.PROV.IP
You must define a domain called 'MYSIPPROVIDER.COM' in your directory and add a user with the id="" attribute
and you must configure your device to use the proper domain in it's authentication credentials.
2016-03-09 22:59:50.981898 [WARNING] sofia_reg.c:1703 SIP auth failure (INVITE) on sofia profile 'internal' for [XXXXXXXXXX@MYSIPPROVIDER.COM] from ip MY.SIP.PROV.IP