I am trying to develop a simple calendar based application using pyS60. I need to display a calendar as part of the form. I have searched but I couldn't find anything useful in the e32calendar documentation. I can get a calendar on the canvas but its not interactive. But i want one which is interactive ( just like inbuilt calendar in Nokia Mobiles). I don`t need the event classes though.

Am I missing something?

TIA Chirag Narula


1 回答 1


py60 的 Python 模块有一个日历模块,它提供日历服务,如阅读、创建条目、设置警报。请查看http://wiki.opensource.nokia.com/projects/PyS60上的文档

在 Doc 中,第 7.2.2 节提供了一种方法:

CalendarDb 对象代表数据库的实时视图。如果在 Python 应用程序之外更改了条目,则更改会立即可见,相反,您提交到数据库中的任何更改都会立即对其他应用程序可见。

于 2010-08-28T08:53:48.490 回答