
我需要创建一个 32 位 ALU,具有 alu 函数、加法器/子、移位器和比较器。当 alu 函数为 0001 时,进入加法器,当 alu 函数为 0010 时,进入 sub,当 alu 函数为 1001 时,进入逻辑移位器左 b-alu 位,当 alu 函数为 1010 时,进入逻辑移位器对 b-alu 位等。

我已经有 32 位加法器/减法器和 32 位移位器代码。

包 c31L_pack 是

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

package c31L_pack is
constant ZERO          : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) :=
constant ONES          : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) :=

constant BW : integer:=32;
constant SEL3   : integer:=3;
constant SEL1   : integer:=1;
constant OP : integer:=16;
constant reg_field: integer:=6;
constant immediate_size: integer:=15;

subtype alu_function_type is std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

constant alu_nop                        : alu_function_type := "0000";
constant alu_add                        : alu_function_type := "0001";
constant alu_sub                        : alu_function_type := "0010";
constant alu_comp                       : alu_function_type := "0011";
constant alu_slt                            : alu_function_type := "0100";
constant alu_and                        : alu_function_type := "0101";
constant alu_or                             : alu_function_type := "0110";
constant alu_not                        : alu_function_type := "0111";
constant alu_xor                        : alu_function_type := "1000";
constant alu_shift_logic_left       : alu_function_type := "1001";
constant alu_shift_logic_right      : alu_function_type := "1010";
constant alu_shift_arith_left       : alu_function_type := "1011";
constant alu_shift_arith_right      : alu_function_type := "1100";
constant alu_mov       : alu_function_type := "1101";

type mux_in_16 is array((OP-1) downto 0) of std_logic_vector(BW-1 downto 0);
type mux_in_2 is array(1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(BW-1 downto 0);

1 位:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity adder1 is
port(a         : in  std_logic;
     b         : in  std_logic;
     cin       : in  std_logic;
     sum_def    : out std_logic;
     carry_borrow   : out std_logic);

architecture logic of adder1 is




sum_def <=a xor b xor cin;
carry_borrow<=(a and b) or (a and cin) or (b and cin);

end process;
end architecture; --architecture logic

和 32 位加法器/减法器

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.c31L_pack.all;

entity adder32 is
port(a3_32    : in  std_logic_vector(BW-1 downto 0);
    b3_32    : in  std_logic_vector(BW-1 downto 0);
      cin   : in std_logic;
      sub   : in std_logic;

      sum_32    : out std_logic_vector(BW-1 downto 0);
      cout  : inout std_logic;
      ov    : out std_logic);

architecture logic of adder32 is

component adder1
port(a         : in  std_logic;
  b         : in  std_logic;
  cin       : in  std_logic;

    sum_def : out std_logic;
    carry_borrow    : out std_logic);
end component;

for add1: adder1 use entity work.adder1(logic);

signal carry_i :std_logic_vector(BW-2 downto 0):=(others=>'0');
signal xor_out :std_logic_vector(BW-1 downto 0):=(others=>'0');
signal oz :std_logic;


Exclusive_or:for i in  BW-1 downto 0 generate
xor_out(i)<=b3_32(i) xor sub after 19ns;
end generate;

add1: adder1 port    map(a=>a3_32(0),b=>xor_out(0),cin=>sub,sum_def=>sum_32(0),carry_borrow=>carry_i(0));   
add_2_31 : for i in 1 to BW-2 generate
     add1 :adder1 port map(a=>a3_32(i),b=>xor_out(i),cin=>carry_i(i-1),sum_def=>sum_32(i),carry_borrow=>carry_i(i)); 
end generate;
add32: adder1 port map(a=>a3_32(BW-1),b=>xor_out(BW-1),cin=>carry_i(BW-2),sum_def=>sum_32(BW-1),carry_borrow=>cout);        

oz<=carry_i(BW-2) xor cout after 19 ns;
with oz select
ov <= 'Z' when "1",
    '0' when "0";
end architecture; --architecture logic


library IEEE;
use work.c31L_pack.all;

PORT ( a_alu32 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (BW -1 downto 0);
     b_alu32 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (BW -1 downto 0);
     alu_op : in alu_function_type ;
     g : out STD_LOGIC ;
     e : out STD_LOGIC ;
     l : out STD_LOGIC ;
     o_alu32 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (BW -1 downto 0);
     c_alu32 : inout STD_LOGIC ;
     ov_alu32 : out STD_LOGIC );
end alu32;

architecture Behavioral of alu_32 is

component adder32 
port(a3_32    : in  std_logic_vector(BW-1 downto 0);-<std_logic_vector> is not declared.
 b3_32    : in  std_logic_vector(BW-1 downto 0);-<std_logic_vector> is not declared.
  cin   : in std_logic;-<std_logic> is not declared.
  sub   : in std_logic;-<std_logic> is not declared.

  sum_32    : out std_logic_vector(BW-1 downto 0);
  cout  : inout std_logic;
  ov    : out std_logic);
  end component;

signal o1:std_logic_vector(BW-1 downto 0);
signal c1:std_logic;
signal ov1:std_logic;
signal o2:std_logic_vector(BW-1 downto 0);
signal c2:std_logic;
signal ov2:std_logic;

adder32 port map(a3_32=>a_alu32,b3_32=>b_alu32,cin=>"0",sub=>"1",sum_32=>o1,cout=>c1,ov=>ov1);
adder32 port map(a3_32=>a_alu32,b3_32=>b_alu32,cin=>"0",sub=>"0",sum_32=>o2,cout=>c2,ov=>ov2);

end Behavioral;

错误消息:ERROR:HDLCompiler:374 第 37 行:实体尚未编译。

错误:HDLCompiler:69 第 40 行:未声明。

错误:HDLCompiler:69 第 41 行:未声明。

错误:HDLCompiler:69 第 42 行:未声明。

错误:HDLCompiler:69 第 43 行:未声明。

错误:HDLCompiler:69 第 45 行:未声明。

错误:HDLCompiler:69 第 46 行:未声明。

错误:HDLCompiler:69 第 47 行:未声明。

错误:HDLCompiler:69 第 50 行:未声明。

错误:HDLCompiler:69 第 51 行:未声明。

错误:HDLCompiler:69 第 52 行:未声明。

错误:HDLCompiler:69 第 53 行:未声明。

错误:HDLCompiler:69 第 54 行:未声明。

错误:HDLCompiler:69 第 55 行:未声明。

错误:HDLCompiler:806 第 58 行:“端口”附近的语法错误。

错误:HDLCompiler:806 第 59 行:“;”附近的语法错误。


1 回答 1


根据定义,ALU 有两个数据输入:ab,一个功能代码输入,一个状态输出以及结果输出。这将导致像这样的实体定义

entity alu is
    width      : integer
    a          : in std_logic_vector(width - 1 downto 0);
    b          : in std_logic_vector(width - 1 downto 0);
    fc         : in fc_t;
    status     : out sc_t;
    result     : out std_logic_vector(width downto 0)



type fc_t is (fc_add, fc_add, fc_shift, fc_compare);
type sc_t is (sc_ne, sc_eq, sc_err);


于 2016-03-09T18:51:11.780 回答