我目前在 Java1.5 代码库上运行我的 Web 应用程序,在 Tomcat 5.5 和 MySql 5 上运行它。查看添加到 Java1.6 的添加列表,我不得不问一个问题,“有什么令人信服的理由吗?从 1.5 移动到 1.6?”。似乎令人难以置信地缺乏必要的改进和补充。Swing 中的很多变化(没那么有趣)。请记住,当前的 Web 应用程序是稳定的(-ish),升级一个版本总是会带来一些风险。
Java 5 于 2009 年“结束使用寿命”。
Faster execution time. Better dynamic debugging. Better native look and feel in Swing (not important to web apps). Supported on Windows Vista (could become important, depending on your platform).
JavaScript integrated into the platform (could be a big deal if you update your webapp). Better scripting language support (could deploy RoR in theory, if needed). Lightweight web services platform integrated (might be useful). Better already integrated JDBC4 support.
In other words, it depends, but generally there's enough to make a compelling argument. There's also enough that you might not benefit from to make a compelling counter argument.
Eventually you will have to change. When you do, if you've made the counter argument to stay the same for too long, you wind up having to fix multiple accumulated historical issues all at once. That can overwhelm a team, so sometimes it is best to stay "just a bit behind" current, but never very out-of-date.
I'm assuming you've looked over the features page, and if you haven't, you should.
Sun(现为 Oracle)Java 5 已于2009 年 10 月 30 日终止服务。这意味着 Oracle 将不再对其进行错误和安全修复,除非您支付“Java SE for Business”的费用" 合同(详见网页)。
除此之外,Java 6 包含许多性能改进(这可能对您的特定应用程序很重要,也可能无关紧要)。
与首先转换到 1.6 相比,从 1.5 转换到 1.7 可能需要更多的工作。
JDK 中的 jvisualvm 足以升级。允许您在没有任何准备的情况下调查和分析已经运行的进程。