- 创建一个生成证书的系统(如果它是一个生产系统,那么简单但不重要)
- 将证书传输到 iPad(未嵌入应用商店捆绑包中!)
- 将所有收到的凭据保存在应用程序钥匙串中(Apple 表示它们属于)
- 从钥匙串中检索保存的凭据以在 NSURLConnections 中使用
- 实际验证服务器证书并返回客户端凭据
步骤 1. 生成证书
参考:http: //developer-should-know.tumblr.com/post/127063737582/how-to-create-your-own-pki-with-openssl
您可以使用其他方法,但适用于 Windows 的 OpenSSL [http://slproweb.com/products.html] 非常棒,除了标准接口是 cmdline 并且文档很难遵循。
我希望有人事先向我解释的内容是显而易见的,但不是:[a] 应用程序安装到根目录并包含默认情况下用于在命令行中未指定的设置的配置文件 [b]中间文件和输出文件的位置应在配置文件中指定 [c] 在运行命令之前需要手动创建某些文件 [d] 您应该构建一个适合您尝试执行的文件/文件夹结构,然后相应地自定义 cfg 文件。
就我而言,这意味着我的公司有一个 RootCA,每个客户有一个中间证书(设置为只制作客户端证书),每个客户一个服务器证书,以及需要的客户端证书。(这是最低配置,永远不要使用 CA/客户端对,将根保存在密码箱中)这是我的文件结构:
YourCompany (duplicate this structure as required)
crl (optional)
在顶级 sslcert 文件夹中
.rnd (empty file)
certindex.txt (empty file)
serial.txt (Text file seeded with the text “01”, hold the quotes)
在 certs\template 文件夹中
设置工作目录并启动 OpenSSL cd \sslcert c:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin\openssl.exe
req -config ./root/RootCA.cfg -new -x509 -days 7300 -extensions v3_ca -keyout root/YourCompanyRootCAkey.pem -out root/YourCompanyRootCAcert.cer
初学者注意:-extensions 允许您选择在同一个 cfg 文件中应用多个小节之一。
x509 -noout -text -in root/YourCompanyRootCAcert.cer
req -config certs/YourCompany/IntermediateCA.cfg -new -keyout certs/YourCompany/intermediate/intermediateCAkey.pem -out certs/YourCompany/intermediate/intermediateCAreq.pem
ca -config root/RootCA.cfg -extensions v3_intermediate_ca -days 3650 -notext -in certs/YourCompany/intermediate/intermediateCAreq.pem -out certs/YourCompany/intermediate/YourCompanyIntermediateCAcert.cer
x509 -noout -text -in certs/YourCompany/intermediate/YourCompanyIntermediateCAcert.cer
通过连接中间证书和根证书来创建证书链文件(这只是命令行的一个简单附加 - 新链将添加到最终的 p12 包中)
c:\sslcert> type c:\sslcert\certs\YourCompany\intermediate\YourCompanyIntermediateCAcert.cer c:\sslcert\root\YourCompanyRootCAcert.cer > c:\sslcert\certs\YourCompany\intermediate\YourCompanyCAchain.cer
genrsa -aes256 -out certs/YourCompany/client/YourCompanyClientkey.pem 2048
req -config certs/YourCompany/IntermediateCA.cfg -key
certs/YourCompany/client/YourCompanyClientkey.pem -new -sha256 -out certs/YourCompany/client/YourCompanyClientreq.pem
ca -config certs/YourCompany/IntermediateCA.cfg -extensions usr_cert -days 1095 -notext -md sha256 -in certs/YourCompany/client/YourCompanyClientreq.pem -out certs/YourCompany/client/YourCompanyClientcert.cer
x509 -noout -text -in certs/YourCompany/client/YourCompanyClientcert.cer
verify -CAfile certs/YourCompany/intermediate/YourCompanyCAchain.cer certs/YourCompany/client/YourCompanyClientcert.cer
pkcs12 -export -in certs/YourCompany/client/YourCompanyClientcert.cer -name “YourCompany Smips Client” -inkey certs/YourCompany/client/YourCompanyClientkey.pem -certfile certs/YourCompany/intermediate/YourCompanyCAchain.cer -out certs/YourCompany/client/YourCompanyClientWithName.p12
重命名 pkcs 以从电子邮件/iTunes 导入 iOS
c:\sslcert> copy c:\sslcert\certs\YourCompany\client\YourCompanyClient.p12 c:\sslcert\certs\YourCompany\client\YourCompanyClient.yourext12
genrsa -aes256 -out certs/YourCompany/server/YourCompanyServerkey.pem 2048
req -config certs/YourCompany/IntermediateCA.cfg -key certs/YourCompany/server/YourCompanyServerkey.pem -new -sha256 -out certs/YourCompany/server/YourCompanyServerreq.pem
ca -config certs/YourCompany/IntermediateCA.cfg -extensions server_cert -days 1095 -notext -md sha256 -in certs/YourCompany/server/YourCompanyServerreq.pem -out certs/YourCompany/server/YourCompanyServercert.cer
x509 -noout -text -in certs/YourCompany/server/YourCompanyServercert.cer
verify -CAfile certs/YourCompany/intermediate/YourCompanyCAchain.cer certs/YourCompany/server/YourCompanyServercert.cer
pkcs12 -export -in certs/YourCompany/server/YourCompanyServercert.cer -name “YourCompany Smips Server” -inkey certs/YourCompany/server/YourCompanyServerkey.pem -certfile certs/YourCompany/intermediate/YourCompanyCAchain.cer -out certs/YourCompany/server/YourCompanyServer.p12
以下是 cfg 文件: 根
dir = .
[ ca ]
default_ca = CA_default
[ CA_default ]
serial = $dir/serial.txt
database = $dir/certindex.txt
new_certs_dir = $dir/certs
certs = $dir/certs
private_key = $dir/root/yourcompanyRootCAkey.pem
certificate = $dir/root/yourcompanyRootCAcert.cer
default_days = 7300
default_md = sha256
preserve = no
email_in_dn = no
nameopt = default_ca
certopt = default_ca
policy = policy_strict
[ policy_strict ]
countryName = match
stateOrProvinceName = match
organizationName = match
organizationalUnitName = optional
commonName = supplied
emailAddress = optional
[ req ]
default_bits = 4096 # Size of keys
default_keyfile = key.pem # name of generated keys
default_md = sha256 # message digest algorithm
string_mask = nombstr # permitted characters
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
x509_extensions = v3_ca
[ req_distinguished_name ]
0.organizationName = Organization Name
organizationalUnitName = Organizational Unit Name
emailAddress = Email Address
emailAddress_max = 40
localityName = Locality Name (city, district)
stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name)
countryName = Country Name (2 letter code)
countryName_min = 2
countryName_max = 2
commonName = Common Name (hostname, IP, or your name)
commonName_max = 64
0.organizationName_default = yourcompany
organizationalUnitName_default = yourcompanyRoot Certification
emailAddress_default = info@yourcompany.com
localityName_default = Okeefenokee
stateOrProvinceName_default = Wisconsin
countryName_default = US
[ v3_ca ]
subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always,issuer
basicConstraints = critical, CA:true
keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, cRLSign, keyCertSign
[ v3_intermediate_ca ]
subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always,issuer
basicConstraints = critical, CA:true, pathlen:0
keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, cRLSign, keyCertSign
[ crl_ext ]
dir = .
# [For non-command-line folks, everything is keyed to the working directory here (.) so if your working prompt says c:\sslcerts> then the cfg will look for serial.txt at c:\sslcerts\serial.txt and bomb if it doesn’t find things laid out accordingly. Thats why you set up a directory structure to match these entries]
[ ca ]
default_ca = CA_default
[ CA_default ]
serial = $dir/serial.txt
database = $dir/certindex.txt
crl_dir = $dir/certs/yourcompany/crl
new_certs_dir = $dir/certs
certs = $dir/certs
private_key = $dir/certs/yourcompany/intermediate/IntermediateCAkey.pem
certificate = $dir/certs/yourcompany/intermediate/yourcompanyIntermediateCAcert.cer
default_days = 3650
default_md = sha256
preserve = no
email_in_dn = no
nameopt = default_ca
certopt = default_ca
crlnumber = $dir/certs/yourcompany/crl/crlnumber
crl = $dir/certs/yourcompany/crl/crl.pem
crl_extensions = crl_ext
default_crl_days = 365
policy = policy_loose
[ policy_loose ]
countryName = optional
stateOrProvinceName = optional
localityName = optional
organizationName = optional
organizationalUnitName = optional
commonName = supplied
emailAddress = optional
[ req ]
default_bits = 4096 # Size of keys
default_keyfile = $dir/certs/yourcompany/intermediate/IntermediateCAkey.pem
default_md = sha256 # message digest
# the old default was md1 - change this]
string_mask = nombstr # permitted characters
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
x509_extensions = v3_intermediate_ca
[ req_distinguished_name ]
0.organizationName = Organization Name
organizationalUnitName = Organizational Unit Name
emailAddress = Email Address
emailAddress_max = 40
localityName = Locality Name (city, district)
stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name)
countryName = Country Name (2 letter code)
countryName_min = 2
countryName_max = 2
commonName = Common Name (hostname, IP, or your name)
commonName_max = 64
0.organizationName_default = yourcompany
organizationalUnitName_default = yourcompany Intermediate Certification
emailAddress_default = info@yourcompany.com
localityName_default = Okeefenokee
stateOrProvinceName_default = Wisconsin [should be spelled out]
countryName_default = US
[ v3_intermediate_ca ]
subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always,issuer
basicConstraints = critical, CA:true, pathlen:0
keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, cRLSign, keyCertSign
# Important - the pathlen parameter prevents this cert from being used to create new intermediate certs. The subsequent subsections for server and client certs allows you to specify their type and intended usage, as distinct from the intermediate cert, in the same cfg file
[ usr_cert ]
basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
nsCertType = client, email
nsComment = "OpenSSL Generated Client Certificate"
subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid,issuer
keyUsage = critical, nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth, emailProtection
[ server_cert ]
basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
nsCertType = server
nsComment = "OpenSSL Generated Server Certificate"
subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid,issuer:always
keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth
[ crl_ext ]
authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always
2. 将证书传输到 iPad
参考:如何注册应用程序以在我的 ipad 应用程序中打开 pdf 文件
Apple 建议注册由您的应用处理的新文件类型,并将使用新自定义扩展名重命名的 p12 文件传输到设备(手动或电子邮件)以安装客户端证书。p12 文件应包括公共证书链以及上面步骤 1 中定义的客户端证书信息。当您尝试打开此类文件时,设备会向您需要处理的应用程序委托发送启动/唤醒(不在 didload 中,因为它可能是唤醒)。
这在 v8 或 9 中有所改变,但我需要支持 7,所以这适用于已弃用的处理程序。相同的解决方案,它首先添加到应用 plist 文件,如下面的屏幕截图所示。

接下来,您需要不言自明的委托/处理程序。由于这部分与正常的控制流无关,我正在处理 AppDelegate.m 中的所有委托处理。(这是错的吗?)根据需要设置方法/变量,请忽略对文件存在的偏执额外检查......
参考:https ://www.raywenderlich.com/6475/basic-security-in-ios-5-tutorial-part-1
- (BOOL) application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication
annotation:(id)annotation {
if (url) {
self.p12Data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:[url path]];
if (!p12Data) {
[self messageBox:@"Warning" : @"Failed to read data file, cancelling certificate import"];
else {
[self presentAlertViewForPassPhrase];
NSFileManager * fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
if ( [fileManager fileExistsAtPath:[url path]] ) {
[fileManager removeItemAtPath:[url path] error:NULL];
return YES;
- (void)presentAlertViewForPassPhrase {
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Certificate Credentials"
message:@"Please enter the passphrase for your certificate"
otherButtonTitles:@"Done", nil];
[alert setAlertViewStyle:UIAlertViewStyleSecureTextInput];
[alert show];
- (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView didDismissWithButtonIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {
if (buttonIndex == 1) { // User selected "Done"
UITextField *ppField = [alertView textFieldAtIndex:0];
if ([ppField.text length] > 0) {
[self loadCertificates:ppField.text];
//Handle Else
{ // User selected "Cancel"
[self messageBox:@"Information" : @"Certificate import cancelled"];
3. 将收到的凭据保存在应用钥匙串中
现在您有了原始的 p12 数据,应该很容易弄清楚下一步该做什么......不是。所有文档似乎都用于名称/密码存储,并且大量海报建议将服务器证书保存到文件系统,这没关系,但是当您拥有钥匙串并且 Apple 说这就是它的用途时,这绝对没有意义。最后但同样重要的是,您如何区分存储的证书以及如何更新它们?
长话短说,在尝试了各种不起作用的事情以检查它是否应该是更新或初始加载之后,我决定进行完整的删除/重新保存——除此之外,这是我首先想做的,因为这是我的应用链。所有这些都是 CF 的东西,我没有使用 ARC,因为我拒绝移植任何我不需要的东西。据我所知,只要您在使用后分配 CF、强制转换为 NS 和 CFRelease,就不会出现任何警告。
枚举我的 iOS 应用程序中的所有钥匙串项
是什么让钥匙串项目独一无二(在 iOS 中)?
// IMPORTANT: SecCertificateRef's are not uniqued (that is, you can get two
// different SecCertificateRef values that described the same fundamental
// certificate in the keychain), nor can they be compared with CFEqual. So
// we match up certificates based on their data values.
总结是(duh)最简单的事情是为证书分配一个标签,以便您可以唯一地查找它并意识到如果您保存身份,它将自动拆分为密钥和证书,这可能 - 不是当然 - 导致更换时遇到一些困难。
- (void) loadCertificates:(NSString *)passPhrase {
BOOL lastError = false;
NSMutableDictionary * p12Options = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[p12Options setObject:passPhrase forKey:(id)kSecImportExportPassphrase];
CFArrayRef items = CFArrayCreate(NULL, 0, 0, NULL);
OSStatus err = SecPKCS12Import((CFDataRef)p12Data, (CFDictionaryRef)p12Options, &items);
if (err != noErr) {
[self messageBox:@"Error" : @"Unable to extract security information with the supplied credentials. Please retry"];
lastError = true;
if (!lastError && err == noErr && CFArrayGetCount(items) > 0) {
CFDictionaryRef identityDict = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(items, 0);
NSArray *secItemClasses = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
for (id secItemClass in secItemClasses) {
NSDictionary *spec = @{(id)kSecClass: secItemClass};
err = SecItemDelete((CFDictionaryRef)spec);
//Client Identity & Certificate
SecIdentityRef clientIdentity = (SecIdentityRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(identityDict, kSecImportItemIdentity);
NSDictionary *addIdentityQuery = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
kClientIdentityLabel, kSecAttrLabel,
(id)clientIdentity, kSecValueRef,
err = SecItemAdd((CFDictionaryRef)addIdentityQuery, NULL);
if (err == errSecDuplicateItem) {
NSLog(@"Duplicate identity");
if (err != noErr) {
[self messageBox:@"Warning" : @"Failed to save the new identity"];
lastError = true;
//Server Certificate
CFArrayRef chain = CFDictionaryGetValue(identityDict, kSecImportItemCertChain);
CFIndex N = CFArrayGetCount(chain);
BOOL brk = false;
for (CFIndex i=0; (i < N) && (brk == false); i++) {
SecCertificateRef cert = (SecCertificateRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(chain, i);
CFStringRef summary = SecCertificateCopySubjectSummary(cert);
NSString* strSummary = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:(NSString *)summary];
if ([strSummary containsString:@"Root"] || (i == N)) {
NSDictionary *addCertQuery = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
kServerCertificateLabel, kSecAttrLabel,
(id)cert, kSecValueRef,
err = SecItemAdd((CFDictionaryRef)addCertQuery, NULL);
if (err == errSecDuplicateItem) {
NSLog(@"Duplicate root certificate");
if (err != noErr) {
[self messageBox:@"Warning" : @"Failed to save the new server certificate"];
lastError = true;
brk = true;
[strSummary release];
else {
[self messageBox:@"Error" : @"Unable to extract security information with the supplied credentials. Please retry"];
lastError = true;
[p12Options release];
if (!lastError) [self messageBox:@"Information" : @"Certificate import succeeded"];
其中 kClientIdentityLabel 和 kServerCertificateLabel 是任意标签。
kSec 功能太多/复杂,无法在此详细说明。可以说一切都被清除了,然后保存提取的客户端身份,然后提取根 CA,然后单独保存。为什么是循环?因为我不知道假设根在链的末尾是否在技术上是正确的,但是如果我生成 p12 那么代码就在那里。
请注意,来自 kSec 的错误已编码,因此此站点是必不可少的:https ://www.osstatus.com
4. 从钥匙串中检索保存的凭据
- (void) reloadCredentials {
self.clientCredential = nil;
self.serverCertificateData = nil;
if (self.useClientCertificateIfPresent) {
NSDictionary* idQuery = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
kClientIdentityLabel, kSecAttrLabel,
(id)kSecClassIdentity, kSecClass,
kCFBooleanTrue, kSecReturnRef,
kSecMatchLimitAll, kSecMatchLimit,
CFArrayRef result = nil;
OSStatus err = SecItemCopyMatching((CFDictionaryRef)idQuery, (CFTypeRef*)&result);
if (err == errSecItemNotFound) {
[self messageBox:@"Warning" : @"Client credentials not found. Server connection may fail"];
else if (err == noErr && result != nil ) {
SecIdentityRef clientIdentity = (SecIdentityRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(result, 0);
SecCertificateRef clientCertificate;
SecIdentityCopyCertificate(clientIdentity, &clientCertificate);
const void *certs[] = { clientCertificate };
CFArrayRef certsArray = CFArrayCreate(NULL, certs, 1, NULL);
self.clientCredential = [NSURLCredential credentialWithIdentity:clientIdentity certificates:(NSArray*)certsArray
else {
[self messageBox:@"Warning" : @"Client or Server credentials not found. Server connection may fail"];
NSDictionary* serverCertQuery = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
kServerCertificateLabel, kSecAttrLabel,
(id)kSecClassCertificate, kSecClass,
kCFBooleanTrue, kSecReturnRef,
kSecMatchLimitAll, kSecMatchLimit,
CFArrayRef result1 = nil;
err = SecItemCopyMatching((CFDictionaryRef)serverCertQuery, (CFTypeRef*)&result1);
if (err == errSecItemNotFound) {
[self messageBox:@"Warning" : @"Server certificate not found. Server connection may fail"];
else if (err == noErr && result1 != nil ) {
SecCertificateRef certRef = (SecCertificateRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(result1, 0);
CFDataRef certRefData = SecCertificateCopyData(certRef);
self.serverCertificateData = (NSData *)certRefData;
else {
[self messageBox:@"Warning" : @"Client or Server credentials not found. Server connection may fail"];
5. 验证服务器证书并返回客户端凭据
首先,Apple 已经可疑的文档被新的应用程序传输安全框架淘汰(例如,参见:http: //useyourloaf.com/blog/app-transport-security/)。我不打算在这里讨论它,但这个想法是强制每个人在默认情况下始终使用 https 和受信任的证书。对于我的场景,通过专用客户端和私有服务器之间的证书固定和相互身份验证,您可以通过向 plist 添加字典来安全地关闭此功能,如下所示:

接下来,在第 4 步中,您已经拥有客户端凭据以在该质询命中时立即响应该质询,但服务器证书作为 由 SecCertificateCopyData 创建的 DER 格式的 NSData 浮动,并且不清楚该质询到达时会发生什么。
事实证明,您应该做的是实现“X.509 标准”(https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5280)第 6 节中的算法。幸运的是,这是由 iOS SecTrustEvaluate 函数在幕后实现的,但是需要构建脚手架和需要理解的奇怪东西。
希望这会有所帮助,这是一本非常好的书的最终链接,除其他外,它将让您对信任商业 CA 感到毛骨悚然……