I'd like to count frequencies of all words in a text file.
>>> countInFile('test.txt')
should return {'aaa':1, 'bbb': 2, 'ccc':1}
if the target text file is like:
# test.txt
aaa bbb ccc
I've implemented it with pure python following some posts. However, I've found out pure-python ways are insufficient due to huge file size (> 1GB).
I think borrowing sklearn's power is a candidate.
If you let CountVectorizer count frequencies for each line, I guess you will get word frequencies by summing up each column. But, it sounds a bit indirect way.
What is the most efficient and straightforward way to count words in a file with python?
My (very slow) code is here:
from collections import Counter
def get_term_frequency_in_file(source_file_path):
wordcount = {}
with open(source_file_path) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.lower().translate(None, string.punctuation)
this_wordcount = Counter(line.split())
wordcount = add_merge_two_dict(wordcount, this_wordcount)
return wordcount
def add_merge_two_dict(x, y):
return { k: x.get(k, 0) + y.get(k, 0) for k in set(x) | set(y) }