下面的代码工作正常,但我想在不使用 IO::Select 的情况下实现相同的目标 - 我尝试了一些东西但没有任何效果,因为我对 perl 不太熟悉。
sub writeTologs
my $cmd=shift;
open(ERRLOG, '>>log//error.log') or die "Can't open error log! $!";
open(OUTPUT, '>>log//output.log') or die "Can't open output log! $!";
my ($infh,$outfh,$errfh); # these are the FHs for our child
$errfh = gensym(); # we create a symbol for the errfh # because open3 will not do that for us
my $pid;
$pid = open3($infh, $outfh, $errfh, $cmd);
die "open3: $@\n" if $@;
print "PID was $pid\n";
my $sel = new IO::Select; # create a select object to notify
# us on reads on our FHs (File Handlers)
$sel->add($outfh,$errfh); # add the FHs we're interested in
while(my @ready = $sel->can_read) { # read ready
foreach my $fh (@ready) {
my $line = <$fh>; # read one line from this fh
if(not defined $line){ # EOF on this FH
$sel->remove($fh); # remove it from the list
next; # and go handle the next FH
if($fh == $outfh) { # if we read from the outfh
print OUTPUT $line; # print it to OUTFH
elsif($fh == $errfh) {# do the same for errfh
print ERRLOG $line;
die "Error found : $@";
else { # we read from something else?!?!
die "Shouldn't be here\n";
close(ERRLOG) or die "Can't close filehandle! $!";
close(OUTPUT) or die "Can't close filehandle! $!";
我想在写入 ERRLOG 后终止我的进程。
我试过下面的代码 -
open(ERRLOG, '>>log//error.log') or die "Can't open error log! $!";
open(OUTPUT, '>>log//output.log') or die "Can't open output log! $!";
my ($infh,$outfh,$errfh); # these are the FHs for our child
$errfh = gensym(); # we create a symbol for the errfh # because open3 will not do that for us
my $pid;
my $line=""; #
$pid=open3($infh, $outfh, $errfh, $cmd1);
die "open3: $@\n" if $@;
if (defined(<$errfh>)) {
print "Error start ".<$errfh>;
while($line = <$errfh>) {
print $line;
print "Inside while";
print "Error deifned \n";
} else {
while ($line=<$outfh>) {
print OUTPUT $line;
print "Output log";
但是 while 循环没有在 if 条件内执行。