我正在尝试使用 Firefox 47(每晚)在 WebGL2 中将纹理压缩与 TexImage3D 一起使用,但我找不到有效的格式。错误是:
Error: WebGL: compressedTexImage3D: Format COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT cannot be used with TEXTURE_3D.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
function compressedTexImage3D()
let canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' )
let gl = canvas.getContext( 'webgl2' )
if( gl == null ) { alert( 'requires Firefox 47' ) }
let etc = gl.getExtension( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1' )
let s3tc = gl.getExtension( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc' )
// let atc = gl.getExtension( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc' )
// let es3 = gl.getExtension( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_es3' )
// let pvrtc = gl.getExtension( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc' )
let size = 64
let data = new Uint8Array( size * size * size )
let texture3D = gl.createTexture()
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_3D, texture3D )
let formatsTexture3D =
formatsTexture3D.forEach( function( format )
( gl.TEXTURE_3D // target
, 0 // level
, format // internal format
, size // width
, size // height
, size // depth
, 0 // border
, data // data
let texture2DArray = gl.createTexture()
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, texture2DArray )
let formatsTexture2DArray =
[ [etc .COMPRESSED_RGB_ETC1_WEBGL , new Uint8Array( size * size * size )]
//, [s3tc.COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT , new Uint8Array( size * size * size / 2 )] // crash
//, [s3tc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT, new Uint8Array( size * size * size / 2 )] // crash
//, [s3tc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT, new Uint8Array( size * size * size / 2 )] // crash
//, [s3tc.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT, new Uint8Array( size * size * size )] // crash
formatsTexture2DArray.forEach( function( formatData )
let format = formatData[0]
let data = formatData[1]
( gl.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY // target
, 0 // level
, format // internal format
, size // width
, size // height
, size // depth
, 0 // border
, data // data
<body onload="compressedTexImage3D()">