对 mongo db 来说仍然很新,但我正在尝试更新集合中现有文档的一部分......不幸的是,上面的链接没有更新示例。
- 向文档添加新字段
- 将文档的现有字段更新为新值
这是我的代码(Grails + Groovy + Java + MongoDB + java 驱动程序):
def shape = mongo.shapes.findOne(new BasicDBObject("data", "http://www.foo.com")); // get the document
mongo.shapes.update(new BasicDBObject("_id", shape._id), new BasicDBObject("isProcessed", 0)); // add a new "isProcessed" field set to 0
mongo.shapes.update(new BasicDBObject("_id", shape._id), new BasicDBObject("data", "http://www.bar.com"));
我刚刚尝试过,并且能够通过使用新的和/或更新的字段发送整个对象来成功更新,这很有效。我想知道驱动程序是否足够聪明,只能更新最小的更改子集,还是只是盲目地更新整个内容?(在下面的例子中,它只是更新 foo 字段还是整个形状文档?)
def shape = mongo.shapes.findOne(); // get the first shape to use as a base
shape.removeField("_id"); // remove the id field
shape.put("foo","bar"); // add a new field "foo"
mongo.shapes.insert(shape); // insert the new shape
def shape2 = mongo.shapes.findOne(new BasicDBObject("foo", "bar")); // get the newly inserted shape (and more importantly, it's id)
shape2.put("foo", "bat"); // update the "foo" field to a new value
mongo.shapes.update(new BasicDBObject("_id", shape2._id), shape2); // update the existing document in mongo