I've a custom data structure like following:
class Node;
class GraphDM {
// these are to iterate on all items of _faninNodes
// like all elements in multimap
FaninIter faninBegin();
FaninIter faninEnd();
// these are to iterate on all items of _fanoutNodes
FanoutIter fanoutBegin();
FanoutIter fanoutEnd();
// these should work like equal_range of multimap
std::pair<FaninIter, FaninIter > getFanins (const Node *node_);
std::pair<FaninIter, FaninIter > getFanouts(const Node *node_);
typedef std::vector< Node* > NodeList;
typedef boost::unordered_map< Node*,
NodeList > Map;
Map _faninNodes;
Map _fanoutNodes;
I need to implement these APIs. How can I implement these using boost iterator library?
Also, I may need to take a Predicate to allow filtering
Some pointer to get started will be very helpful. One clarification: I cannot use c++0x compiler flags as I need to use c++98 only. So, please suggest a solution that doesn't need c++11 or c++03 compiler flag.
Also, if I design an iterator like following (nested in the GraphDM class), I'm essentially exposing details my data-structure. Is there a way to make the iterator to iterate only on the Key's of the map (and not the value)? Then I can return a different type of iterator for the getFanins() and getFanout() which would be iterator from the value list.
class Iter : public boost::iterator_adaptor< Iter,
boost::use_default >
Iter() : Iter::iterator_adaptor_() {}
friend class GraphDM;
Iter(Map::iterator it)
: Iter::iterator_adaptor_(it) {}
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;