我正在使用 SAF(存储访问框架)将文件写入 SD 卡。在 Marshmallow 上,文件的写入和更新实际上有很大的延迟(大约 10 秒)。
android.support.v4.provider.DocumentFile docFile = DocumentFile.fromTreeUri(context, getUri()) // tree uri that represents some existing file on sd card
File file = getFile(getUri()); // java.io.File that points to same file as docFile
docFile.length(); // length of current file is e.g. 150B
file.length(); // length of file is also 150B
try (OutputStream outStream = context.getContentResolver().getOutputStream(docFile.getUri()))
outStream.write(data, 0, 50); // overwrite with 50 B
outStream.flush(); // didn't help
docFile.length(); // it still returns 150B !!
file.length(); // it still returns 150B
Thread.sleep(12000); // sleep 12 seconds
docFile.length(); // now it returns correctly 50B
file.length(); // now it returns correctly 50B
有没有办法立即写出来?或者我可以设置一些监听器吗?否则我必须定期检查尺寸,我不想这样做。实际上,我不想在文件写入后等待 10 秒。