操作系统:Rocks OS (Centos 6.5)
我从源代码安装,这是我的版本: https ://github.com/shiyemin/tensorflow/ 没有改变,只是让它在我们的服务器上成功编译。
我使用 caffe-tensorflow 将 caffe 模型转换为 tensorflow,并选择 GoogLeNet 来构建我们的网络。
我在此代码中添加了一个 LSTM 层,如下所示:
def lstm(self, input, lstm_type, n_steps, initial_state, num_units, name):
# with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope:
input_shape = input.get_shape()
dim = 1
for d in input_shape[1:].as_list():
dim *= d
input = tf.reshape(input, [input_shape[0].value, -1])
# select LSTM type, Define a lstm cell with tensorflow
if lstm_type == 'basic':
lstm_cell = rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(num_units, input_size=dim)
elif lstm_type == 'lstm':
lstm_cell = rnn_cell.LSTMCell(num_units, input_size=dim)
elif lstm_type == 'GRU':
lstm_cell = rnn_cell.GRUCell(num_units, input_size=dim)
raise ValueError("LSTM type %s error."%lstm_type)
# Split data because rnn cell needs a list of inputs for the RNN inner loop
input = tf.split(0, n_steps, input) # n_steps * (batch_size, n_hidden)
# Get lstm cell output
outputs, states = rnn.rnn(lstm_cell, input, initial_state=initial_state) # , scope=scope)
outputs = tf.concat(0, outputs)
return outputs #, states
当我将此 LSTM 层添加到 GoogLeNet 时,会发生以下错误。
Failed precondition: Attempting to use uninitialized value RNN/GRUCell/Gates/Linear/Bias