在下面的代码示例中,所有结果都应返回 7。
然而,那些以 X 开头的别名却没有。
--where matches
patindex('%-%' ,'111111-11') dash --not a special character, so works without escaping
,patindex('%[%' ,'111111[11') xLeftCrotchet --special character [ not escaped; works
,patindex('%[[]%','111111[11') leftCrotchetEscaped --special character [ escaped to [[]; doesn't work
,patindex('%]%' ,'111111]11') rightCrotchet --special character ] not escaped; doesn't work
,patindex('%[]]%','111111]11') xRightCrotchetEscaped --special character ] escaped to []]; also doesn't work
--where doesn't match
,patindex('%[^-]%' ,'------1--') dash --not a special character, so works without escaping
,patindex('%[^[]%' ,'[[[[[[1[[') leftCrotchet --special character [ not escaped; works
,patindex('%[^[[]]%','[[[[[[1[[') xLeftCrotchetEscaped --special character [ escaped to [[]; doesn't work
,patindex('%[^]]%' ,']]]]]]1]]') xRightCrotchet --special character ] not escaped; doesn't work
,patindex('%[^[]]]%',']]]]]]1]]') xRightCrotchetEscaped --special character ] escaped to []]; also doesn't work
然而,对于左 crotchet,它是否需要转义取决于它是否跟在插入符号之后(即我们是匹配这个字符,还是匹配除这个字符之外的所有字符)。
注意:这篇文章指出方括号不需要转义;但在上述示例中(一种情况)并非如此。 使用 SQL Server 转义 PATINDEX 中的方括号