我有一个缓冲区,我通过 cl_mem 对象传递给 OpenCL 内核,我想根据区域将其解释为不同的类型,例如
kernel void do_something(global void * data) {
global double * offset_ptr = data + 20;
global uint * offset2_ptr = data + 40;
offset_ptr[5] = 4.0;
offset2_ptr[2] = 5;
我的问题是第 2 行和第 3 行;我从编译器收到这条消息:
Bitcasts between pointers of different address spaces is not legal.Use AddrSpaceCast instead.
%26 = bitcast i8 addrspace(1)* %19 to i8*
... = (global) data + 20;
warning: incompatible integer to pointer conversion initializing '__global double *__attribute__((address_space(16776963)))' with an expression of type 'unsigned int'