我找不到真正的方法来捕获 happstack 应用程序中纯函数抛出的异常。我试过这个解决方案。当 IO 函数抛出异常时,它运行良好。但是当纯函数抛出异常时它无法处理它。我的代码:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

module Main where

import Prelude hiding(catch)
import Control.Monad    (msum, mzero, join)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class(liftIO)
import Happstack.Server
import Text.JSON.Generic
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B

import Control.Exception

data Res = Res {res :: String, err :: String} deriving (Data, Typeable)

evaluateIt :: Res
evaluateIt = throw (ErrorCall "Something goes wrong!")

somethingWrong :: IO Response
somethingWrong = return $ toResponse $ encodeJSON $ evaluateIt

errorHandler :: SomeException -> ServerPart Response
errorHandler e = ok $ setHeaderBS (B.pack "Content-Type") (B.pack "application/json") $ toResponse $ encodeJSON $ Res {err = show e, res = ""}

indexHTML = tryIO (Just errorHandler) somethingWrong

main :: IO ()
main = do
    simpleHTTP nullConf $ msum [ indexHTML ]

tryIO :: Maybe (SomeException -> ServerPart Response)
         -> IO a
         -> ServerPart a
tryIO mf io = do result <- liftIO $ try io
                 case (result) of Right good -> return good
                                  Left exception -> handle exception mf
      where handle exception (Just handler) = escape $ handler exception
            handle _ Nothing = mzero



2 回答 2



tryIO mf io = do result <- liftIO $ try io

somethingWrong根本不评估,而您的异常更深一些(在响应内的惰性字节串内),导致它逃脱了tryintryIO并在未处理的情况下被引发。通常,纯代码中的错误可能只会在它被评估为 NF 的地方被捕获,在你的情况下,在main.

于 2016-03-03T14:54:04.980 回答



import Control.DeepSeq  


tryIO :: NFData a => Maybe (SomeException -> ServerPart Response) -> IO a -> ServerPart a
tryIO mf io = do 
  result <- liftIO $ io >>= try . return . force 

force有类型NFData a => a -> a并且在返回它之前简单地将它的参数评估为正常形式。


{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving, DeriveGeneric #-} 


import Control.DeepSeq 
import GHC.Generics 


deriving instance Generic Response 
deriving instance Generic RsFlags 
deriving instance Generic HeaderPair 
deriving instance Generic Length  
instance NFData Response 
instance NFData RsFlags 
instance NFData HeaderPair 
instance NFData Length 


{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving, DeriveGeneric #-} 

module Main where

import Prelude hiding(catch)
import Control.Monad    (msum, mzero, join)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class(liftIO)
import Happstack.Server
import Text.JSON.Generic
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Control.DeepSeq 
import GHC.Generics 

import Control.Exception

data Res = Res {res :: String, err :: String} deriving (Data, Typeable)

evaluateIt :: Res
evaluateIt = throw (ErrorCall "Something goes wrong!")

somethingWrong :: IO Response
somethingWrong = return $ toResponse $ encodeJSON $ evaluateIt

errorHandler :: SomeException -> ServerPart Response
errorHandler e = ok $ setHeaderBS (B.pack "Content-Type") (B.pack "application/json") $ toResponse $ encodeJSON $ Res {err = show e, res = ""}

indexHTML = tryIO (Just errorHandler) somethingWrong

main :: IO ()
main = do
    simpleHTTP nullConf $ msum [ indexHTML ]

deriving instance Generic Response 
deriving instance Generic RsFlags 
deriving instance Generic HeaderPair 
deriving instance Generic Length  
instance NFData Response 
instance NFData RsFlags 
instance NFData HeaderPair 
instance NFData Length 

tryIO :: NFData a => Maybe (SomeException -> ServerPart Response) -> IO a -> ServerPart a
tryIO mf io = do 
  result <- liftIO $ try $ io >>= \x -> x `deepseq` return x 
  case (result) of 
    Right good -> return good
    Left exception -> handle exception mf

    where handle exception (Just handler) = escape $ handler exception
          handle _ Nothing = mzero
于 2016-03-03T16:14:01.803 回答