While using DITA OT 2.2.1, I usually have to generate documents in several different output formats. For example, I have to generate output for the same ditamap in pdf2, htmlhelp, and xhtml formats.

Question: Is it possible to reduce the generation time of the documents by "reusing" the temp directory? For example, the generation of the same document in pdf2 and xhtml could reuse the same temp directory.

Thanks in advance!


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如果你真的想节省发布时间,你应该看看由 Eero Helenius 开发的 Gradle 插件dita-ot-gradle。Gradle 是一个类似于 Apache Ant 的构建管理工具(DITA-OT 使用 Ant)。你可以在这里找到一个教程:eerohele.github.io/dita-ot-gradle/build

如果使用此插件,则可以节省部署新 Java 虚拟机 (JVM) 所需的时间,因为 JVM 被重用(而不是临时目录)。

于 2016-03-03T11:58:11.027 回答