尝试使用 [Google Mail] 而不是 [Gmail]。它应该工作。我相信有加星标、垃圾邮件、已发送邮件、重要邮件、草稿、垃圾箱和所有邮件都可以与 [Google Mail]/ 一起使用。
IMAPAccount gmail
Host imap.gmail.com
User <your email address>
Pass <your password>
CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
IMAPStore gmail-remote
Account gmail
MaildirStore gmail-local
Path ~/mail/gmail/
Inbox ~/mail/gmail/inbox
Channel gmail-default
Master :gmail-remote:
Slave :gmail-local:
Patterns INBOX
Channel gmail-sent
Master ":gmail-remote:[Google Mail]/Sent Mail"
slave :gmail-local:sent
Channel gmail-trash
Master :gmail-remote:"[Google Mail]/Bin"
slave :gmail-local:trash
Channel gmail-archive
Master :gmail-remote:"[Google Mail]/All Mail"
slave :gmail-local:all
Channel gmail-drafts
Master :gmail-remote:"[Google Mail]/Drafts"
Slave :gmail-local:drafts
# Automatically create missing mailboxes, both locally and on the server
Create slave # Only create locally for now
SyncState *
Group gmail
Channel gmail-default
Channel gmail-trash
Channel gmail-archive
Channel gmail-sent
Channel gmail-drafts
IMAPAccount gmail
Host imap.gmail.com
User <your email address>
Pass <your password>
CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
IMAPStore gmail-remote
Account gmail
MaildirStore gmail-local
Path ~/mail/gmail/
Inbox ~/mail/gmail/inbox
Channel gmail-default
Master :gmail-remote:
Slave :gmail-local:
Patterns "[Gmail]/Sent Mail"
# Automatically create missing mailboxes, both locally and on the server
Create slave # Only create locally for now
SyncState *
Group gmail
Channel gmail-default
完成此操作后,运行以下命令:mbsync -Dmn gmail
* NAMESPACE (("" "/")) NIL NIL
4 OK Success
>>> 5 LIST "" "*"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Deleted Items"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Drafts"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Junk"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Notes"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Personal"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Receipts"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Sent"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Trash"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Unwanted"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Work"
* LIST (\HasChildren \Noselect) "/" "[Google Mail]"
* LIST (\All \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Google Mail]/All Mail"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren \Trash) "/" "[Google Mail]/Bin"
* LIST (\Drafts \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Google Mail]/Drafts"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren \Important) "/" "[Google Mail]/Important"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren \Sent) "/" "[Google Mail]/Sent Mail"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren \Junk) "/" "[Google Mail]/Spam"
* LIST (\Flagged \HasNoChildren) "/" "[Google Mail]/Starred"
5 OK Success
>>> 6 LOGOUT
* BYE LOGOUT Requested
6 OK 73 good day (Success)