I am doing automation using Appium and I came across 2 major problems.

  1. How to dismiss SEND/PUSH Notifications popup on iOS which is system popup

  2. If I install the application and uninstalled it and then again installed, It is launching the app with already user signed in. How can I avoid it to launch signed in instead of Showing on Sign in.

To cancel the PUSH Notification, I am using autoAcceptAlerts, which works but not always.


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虽然理想情况下卸载和安装不应让用户保持登录状态。但您可以尝试在每次重新启动后注销用户,您可以((AppiumDriver) driver).resetApp()用于重置应用程序,以便它与登录页面一起启动。

对于解除警报autoAcceptAlerts应该有效。另一种调整它的方法是使用((IOSDriver)driver).SwitchTo().Alert().Accept();. 您也可以尝试这里提到的一些方法。

于 2016-02-29T18:31:01.653 回答