我正在为使用 Cucumber(-JVM)、Junit、Java 8 接受 XML 文件(最多数百个字段)的应用程序创建验收测试框架。我创建了一个库,该库使用大量类将 POJO 序列化为 XML Builder 接口(以避免有几十个构造函数并拥有各种声明性 API),即:

new Form.Builder

我制作这个库是因为我想在我的测试中动态生成有效的 XML 文件。我希望我的黄瓜场景读起来像英语,所以我决定使用数据表而不是写类似的东西:

Given I have a form with x field
and with y field
and with z field
and ...

有 50 条不同的“和”行。所以它们看起来像这样:

Given that I have Form B101 with the following fields:
  | X Field        | X Value         |
  | Y Field        | Y Value         |
  | Z Field        | Z Value         |


我希望黄瓜数据表(已转换为 HashMap)中的键映射到我的构建器模式的方法名称。起初我认为使用 lambdas 和方法引用可以让我完成此任务,但我还没有找到方法。

所以我的下一个想法是反思。我决定在属性文件中存储从 Cucumber Data 表键到方法名称的映射,例如:

X\ Field = setXField 
// the \ after X is to escape the space

但是我遇到了一个问题:黄瓜数据表中的一些字段映射到我的 XML 数据绑定库中深度嵌套的字段(由于 XML 模式)。例如:

“X 字段”嵌套在 A 字段中。所以在我的测试方法中我需要做:

AField aField = new AField(new XField());


Class[] paramString = new Class[1];
paramString[0] = AField.class;
// So I need to know before the fact that methodName (below) has a parameter
// of type AField in order to .... get the parameter types of methodName.

// this is legal because a method with methodName exists and it takes
// one parameter with type AField.
Class[] parameterTypes = 
  formB.getClass().getMethod(methodName, paramString).getParameterTypes();

// this is not legal. no method named methodName which doesn't 
// take parameters exists
Class[] parameterTypes = 



1 回答 1


冒着引起版主愤怒的风险(明确的答案比链接更受欢迎),我会指向这个链接。要将列表添加到 HashMap,请考虑 [this]



将两列表转换为 Map。

Feature: Cucumber can convert a Gherkin table to a map.
  This an example of a simple price list.

  Scenario: A price list can be represented as price per item
    Given the price list for a coffee shop
      | coffee | 1 |
      | donut  | 2 |
    When I order 1 coffee and 1 donut
    Then should I pay 3


package se.thinkcode.steps;

import cucumber.api.java.en.Given;
import cucumber.api.java.en.Then;
import cucumber.api.java.en.When;

import java.util.Map;

import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.is;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;

public class SimplePriceList {
    private Map<String, Integer> priceList;
    private int totalSum;

    @Given("^the price list for a coffee shop$")
    public void the_price_list_for_a_coffee_shop(Map<String, Integer> priceList) throws Throwable {
        this.priceList = priceList;

    @When("^I order (\\d+) (.*) and (\\d+) (.*)$")
    public void i_order_coffee_and_donut(int numberOfFirstItems, String firstItem,
           int numberOfSecondItems, String secondItem) throws Throwable {

        int firstPrice = priceList.get(firstItem);
        int secondPrice = priceList.get(secondItem);

        totalSum += firstPrice * numberOfFirstItems;
        totalSum += secondPrice * numberOfSecondItems;

    @Then("^should I pay (\\d+)$")
    public void should_I_pay(int expectedCost) throws Throwable {
        assertThat(totalSum, is(expectedCost));

于 2016-03-11T15:40:58.980 回答