I am working on a task in which I have to trim the recorded video from particular start point to particular end point as entered or selected by user.
How am I supposed to do that. As I used UIVideoEditorController
before but I don't want to use the default view and I want to trim the video directly.
let FinalUrlTosave = NSURL(string: "\(newURL)")
exportSession!.shouldOptimizeForNetworkUse = true
// exportSession.outputFileType = AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie
exportSession!.outputFileType = AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie;
let start:CMTime
let duration:CMTime
var st = starttime.doubleValue
var ed = endTime.doubleValue
start = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(st, 600)
duration = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(ed, 600)
// let timeRangeForCurrentSlice = CMTimeRangeMake(start, duration)
let range = CMTimeRangeMake(start, duration);
exportSession!.timeRange = range
switch exportSession!.status{
case AVAssetExportSessionStatus.Failed:
print("failed \(exportSession!.error)")
case AVAssetExportSessionStatus.Cancelled:
print("cancelled \(exportSession!.error)")
// self.SaveVideoToPhotoLibrary(destinationURL1!)
I am trying to achieve my goal using this but not succeeding.
Error message:
failed Optional(Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1100 "The requested URL was not found on this server." UserInfo={NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/E68D3BFD-6923-4EA6-9FB3-C020CE4AA9D4/Documents/moment/jGq_9AUFa47s2ZiiPP4x.mp4, NSErrorFailingURLKey=file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/E68D3BFD-6923-4EA6-9FB3-C020CE4AA9D4/Documents/moment/jGq_9AUFa47s2ZiiPP4x.mp4, NSLocalizedDescription=The requested URL was not found on this server., NSUnderlyingError=0x1553c220 {Error Domain=N
Error occured second time:
failed Optional(Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-3000 "Cannot create file" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x14e00000 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-12124 "(null)"}, NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot create file})