我正在尝试使用 Cabal 安装用 haskell 编写的图表包。运行时出现以下错误cabal install diagrams
[~]$ cabal install diagrams
Resolving dependencies...
In order, the following will be installed:
bytes-0.15.2 (via: linear-1.20.4) (reinstall) (changes: binary- ->
linear-1.20.4 (via: diagrams-contrib- force-layout- diagrams-lib- diagrams-core- active- (new package)
active- (via: diagrams-lib- (new package)
diagrams-core- (via: diagrams- diagrams-contrib- diagrams-svg-1.4 diagrams-lib- (new package)
diagrams-lib- (via: diagrams- diagrams-contrib- diagrams-svg-1.4) (new package)
diagrams-svg-1.4 (via: diagrams- (new package)
force-layout- (via: diagrams-contrib- (new package)
diagrams-contrib- (via: diagrams- (new package)
diagrams- (new package)
Warning: Note that reinstalls are always dangerous. Continuing anyway...
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( /tmp/cabal-tmp-12921/bytes-0.15.2/dist/setup/setup.hs, /tmp/cabal-tmp-12921/bytes-0.15.2/dist/setup/Main.o )
Linking /tmp/cabal-tmp-12921/bytes-0.15.2/dist/setup/setup ...
Configuring bytes-0.15.2...
Building bytes-0.15.2...
Preprocessing library bytes-0.15.2...
[1 of 5] Compiling Data.Bytes.Signed ( src/Data/Bytes/Signed.hs, dist/build/Data/Bytes/Signed.o )
[2 of 5] Compiling Data.Bytes.VarInt ( src/Data/Bytes/VarInt.hs, dist/build/Data/Bytes/VarInt.o )
[3 of 5] Compiling Data.Bytes.Put ( src/Data/Bytes/Put.hs, dist/build/Data/Bytes/Put.o )
[4 of 5] Compiling Data.Bytes.Get ( src/Data/Bytes/Get.hs, dist/build/Data/Bytes/Get.o )
Not in scope: `B.lookAhead'
Perhaps you meant one of these:
`S.lookAhead' (imported from Data.Serialize.Get),
`S.lookAheadM' (imported from Data.Serialize.Get),
`S.lookAheadE' (imported from Data.Serialize.Get)
Not in scope: `B.lookAheadM'
Perhaps you meant one of these:
`S.lookAheadM' (imported from Data.Serialize.Get),
`S.lookAhead' (imported from Data.Serialize.Get),
`S.lookAheadE' (imported from Data.Serialize.Get)
Not in scope: `B.lookAheadE'
Perhaps you meant one of these:
`S.lookAheadE' (imported from Data.Serialize.Get),
`S.lookAhead' (imported from Data.Serialize.Get),
`S.lookAheadM' (imported from Data.Serialize.Get)
Failed to install bytes-0.15.2
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
active- depends on bytes-0.15.2 which failed to install.
bytes-0.15.2 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
diagrams- depends on bytes-0.15.2 which failed to install.
diagrams-contrib- depends on bytes-0.15.2 which failed to install.
diagrams-core- depends on bytes-0.15.2 which failed to install.
diagrams-lib- depends on bytes-0.15.2 which failed to install.
diagrams-svg-1.4 depends on bytes-0.15.2 which failed to install.
force-layout- depends on bytes-0.15.2 which failed to install.
linear-1.20.4 depends on bytes-0.15.2 which failed to install.
我已经使用命令单独安装了 bytes-0.15.2 和 cabal
cabal install bytes
。可能出了什么问题?安装图表时,cabal 似乎不必要地尝试再次安装字节。
我在带有 ghc 版本 7.6.3 和 cabal 版本 的 Ubuntu 14.04 上运行它