我正在查看我找到的这段代码,但我无法弄清楚如何打印获胜者。本质上,我正在尝试生成一个遗传算法,该算法将生成一个 N 个数字,总和为 X。这个问题在 Lethian 上得到了解决:http: //lethain.com/genetic-algorithms-cool-name-该死的简单/ 但我似乎无法弄清楚如何打印进化的结果。


    from random import randint, random
    from operator import add
    target = 5 #this defines the target number we are trying to reach
    p_count = 100 #this defines the number of individuals available to                                        mutate for the desired result
    i_length = 6 #this defines the length of each individual, the number of intergers in it
    i_min = 0 #this defines the minimum value of an integer in the individual
    i_max = 100 #this defines the maximum value of an integer in the individual
    def individual(length, min, max):
        return [ randint(min,max) for x in xrange(length) ] #Creates an individual. Defines an individual by the number of numbers contained in it and their min/max
    def population(count, length, min, max):
        return [ individual(length, min, max) for x in xrange(count) ] #Creates population from individuals. This sets the number of individuals in the    population (count), the number of numbers in each individual (length), and the min and max numbers for the individual        
    def fitness(individual, target):
        sum = reduce(add, individual, 0)
        return abs(target-sum) #determines the fitness. does this by adding the indivduals numbers together, and taking that value from the target value 
    def grade(pop, target):
        summed = reduce(add, (fitness(x, target) for x in pop))
        return summed / (len(pop) * 1.0) #This returns an average fitness to compare populations to.
    def evolve(pop, target, retain=0.2, random_select=0.05, mutate=0.01): #This evolves a population, retaining 20%, randomly selecting 5% so it doesnt get stuck/lose variance, and mutates 1%.
        graded = [ (fitness(x, target), x) for x in pop]
        graded = [ x[1] for x in sorted(graded)]
        retain_length = int(len(graded)*retain)
        parents = graded[:retain_length]
        for individual in graded[retain_length:]:
            if random_select > random():
        for individual in parents:
            if mutate > random():
                pos_to_mutate = randint(0, len(individual)-1)
                individual[pos_to_mutate] = randint(
                    min(individual), max(individual))
        parents_length = len(parents)
        desired_length = len(pop) - parents_length
        children = []
        while len(children) < desired_length:
            male = randint(0, parents_length-1)
            female = randint(0, parents_length-1)
            if male != female:
                male = parents[male]
                female = parents[female]
                half = int(len(male) / 2)
                child = male[:half] + female[half:]
        return parents



1 回答 1



   def fitness(individual, target):
    sum = reduce(add, individual, 0)
    if sum >= target:
      print individual
    return abs(target-sum)
于 2016-02-28T17:57:36.400 回答