我试图安装在 github 上找到的 django_quiz 应用程序。
Things I did >
Cloned the repo with git clone https://github.com/tomwalker/django_quiz.git.
Run --> pip install -r requirements.txt.
Run --> python setup.py install
Added 'quiz', 'multichoice', 'true_false', 'essay' to INSTALLED_APPS setting.
Added url(r'^q/', include('quiz.urls')), to urls.py.
注意:我是 Django 的初学者。请帮我。我有点卡在这里。
Django 版本:1.6.5
Installed c:\python27\lib\site-packages\django_quiz_app-0.5.1-py2.7.egg
Processing dependencies for django-quiz-app==0.5.1
Searching for Pillow==2.5.0
Best match: Pillow 2.5.0
Adding Pillow 2.5.0 to easy-install.pth file
Using c:\python27\lib\site-packages
Searching for Django==1.6.5
Best match: Django 1.6.5
Adding Django 1.6.5 to easy-install.pth file
Using c:\python27\lib\site-packages
Searching for django-model-utils==2.0.3
Best match: django-model-utils 2.0.3
Adding django-model-utils 2.0.3 to easy-install.pth file
Using c:\python27\lib\site-packages
Finished processing dependencies for django-quiz-app==0.5.1
C:\Users\Vaisakhan\django_quiz>python manage.py runserver
python: can't open file 'manage.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory