我在下面编写的代码分别将“i”和“j”初始化为 5 和 4。目标是比较“变量”而不是直接值本身。所以在这个例子中,我把 'i' 和 'j' 放在 cmp 中,而不是 5 和 4。
global _main
extern _printf, _system
section .text
; clear screen
push clr
call _system
add esp, 4
;Test prints out i. Successfully does the job.
push dword [i] ; why did it work here and not in *cmp*?
push prompt2
call _printf
add esp, 8
;compare values and do a conditional jump.
CMP dword [i], dword [j] ; compares values stored in i and j. i and j are base 10 nums. This is where the error appears.
JG igreat ; jumps if i is greater than j.
JL jgreat ; jumps if j is greater than i.
JE eks ; jumps if i and j are equal.
ret ; as a measure, this ends the code.
igreat: ; prints out a prompt if i is greater than j.
push dword [j]
push dword [i]
push ibig
call _printf
add esp, 16
jgreat: ; prints out a prompt if j is greater than i.
push dword [i]
push dword [j]
push jbig
call _printf
add esp, 16
eks: ; prints out a prompt if i is equal to j.
push dword [i]
push dword [j]
push ex
call _printf
add esp, 16
last: ; terminates the code
section .data
clr db "cls",0
i dd 5 ; i is initialized to 5
j dd 4 ; j is initialized to 4
prompt2 db "Value is %d",13,10,0
ibig db "Test 1. Comparisons: %d is bigger than %d",13,10,0
jbig db "Test 2. Comparisons: %d is bigger than %d",13,10,0
ex db "Test 3. Comparisons: %d is bigger than %d",13,10,0
- CMP dword [i], dword [j]产生错误:操作码和操作数的无效组合;但我使用先前调用/代码行中的 printf 函数成功恢复了值。这是为什么?
- 我尝试将dword [j]替换为立即数,例如 CMP dword [i], 9。它确实打印出正确的提示,但使程序没有响应。这是为什么?
请注意,我正在运行 Windows 8 Intel 32 位,此代码已在 DoSBox 中运行的 NASM 和 CMD 中的 GCC 中“编译”。