I created a simple model in Spin in which two processes S send messages to another process R. Process R then sends responses to both processes. I would like to define the property "if process x sends a message, then process y eventually receives it", as shown below. The problem is that although the simulation is working as expected, verification is not. The property I defined at line 9 is always passing without errors although I injected a fault at line 17 that should make verification fail. Am I missing something here?
1 byte r1PId;
2 byte s1PId;
3 byte s2PId;
5 byte nextM = 1;
7 chan toS[2] = [2] of {byte};
9 ltl p1 {[] ((s[s1PId]:m > 0) -> <>(s[s1PId]:m == r:m))}
11 proctype r(byte id; chan stoR)
12 {
13 do
14 :: true
15 byte c; byte m; byte m2;
16 stoR?c, m2;
17 m = 67; //should be m = m2
19 byte response = 50;
21 toS[c]!response;
22 od
23 }
25 proctype s(byte id; chan rtoS; chan stoR)
26 {
27 byte m;
28 atomic
29 {
30 m = nextM;
31 nextM = nextM+1;
32 }
33 stoR!id, m;
34 byte response;
35 rtoS?response;
36 }
38 init{
39 chan toR = [10] of {byte, byte};
40 r1PId = run r(10, toR);
41 s1PId = run s(0, toS[0], toR);
42 s2PId = run s(1, toS[1], toR);
43 }