实现 SupversiorStrategy 的演示应用程序图
我有一个演员 FloorTrader,它在 OnReceive(object message) 时创建一个 FederalRegulator Actor:
var regulator = Context.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new FederalRegulator("EAST_USA",trade)), "EastFedRegulator");
然后,在构建时,FederalRegulator 创建 StateRegulators
public class FederalRegulator : RegulatorBase
public FederalRegulator(string name, Trade trade) : base(name, trade)
protected override void OnReceive(object message)
var msg = message as string;
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg) && msg.ToUpper().Equals("STOP"))throw new TradeException("No Trading Today");
private static void StateRegulate(Trade trade)
Context.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new StateRegulator("NY", trade)), "NYRegulator");
Context.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new StateRegulator("MA", trade)), "MARegulator");
Context.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new StateRegulator("CT", trade)), "CTRegulator");
所有 Regulators 在构造时都会发出 Console.Write() 行为,如下所示:
public abstract class RegulatorBase : UntypedActor
protected RegulatorBase(string name, Trade trade)
Name = name;
Trade = trade;
Regulate(Name, Trade);
public string Name { get; private set; }
public Trade Trade { get; private set; }
protected void Regulate(string name, Trade trade)
{ // Create a timer
var myTimer = new System.Timers.Timer();
// Tell the timer what to do when it elapses
myTimer.Elapsed += delegate { Console.WriteLine("{0} is regulating the trade for, {1} ", Name,Trade.Ticker); };
// Set it to go off every 1/2 second,
myTimer.Interval = 500;
// And start it
myTimer.Enabled = true;
protected override void OnReceive(object message)
//put stuff in later
FloorTrader 角色中 SupervisionStrategy() 的实现是:
protected override SupervisorStrategy SupervisorStrategy()
return new OneForOneStrategy(
0, // maxNumberOfRetries
TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), // duration
x =>
if (x is TradeException)
Console.WriteLine("---BLOW UP-----");
return Directive.Stop;
return Directive.Restart;
当 FederalRegulator 收到 STOP 消息时,它会触发自定义异常 TradeException,如上面 FederalRegulator 代码中所示。
触发 STOP 消息之前的输出是预期的:
EAST_USA is regulating the trade for, HP
MA is regulating the trade for, HP
NY is regulating the trade for, HP
CT is regulating the trade for, HP
EAST_USA is regulating the trade for, HP
MA is regulating the trade for, HP
CT is regulating the trade for, HP
NY is regulating the trade for, HP
EAST_USA is regulating the trade for, HP
CT is regulating the trade for, HP
NY is regulating the trade for, HP
MA is regulating the trade for, HP
EAST_USA is regulating the trade for, HP
MA is regulating the trade for, HP
CT is regulating the trade for, HP
NY is regulating the trade for, HP
EAST_USA is regulating the trade for, HP
MA is regulating the trade for, HP
CT is regulating the trade for, HP
NY is regulating the trade for, HP
EAST_USA is regulating the trade for, HP
MA is regulating the trade for, HP
CT is regulating the trade for, HP
NY is regulating the trade for, HP
EAST_USA is regulating the trade for, HP
我的想法是,因为我使用的是 OneForOneStrategy,所以一旦我触发了 STOP 消息,FederalRegulator 演员,即发射者,EAST_USA is regulating the trade for, HP
应该停止,但它的孩子,StateRegulators 应该继续前进。
但是,当我使用以下命令触发 STOP 消息时:regulator.Tell("STOP");
TradeException 被抛出,但 FederalRegulator 不断发出。此外,我收到了死信消息:
EAST_USA is regulating the trade for, HP
CT is regulating the trade for, HP
NY is regulating the trade for, HP
MA is regulating the trade for, HP
---BLOW UP-----
[ERROR][2/27/2016 12:18:49 AM][Thread 0011][akka://TradingSystem/user/MyBroker/SellFloorTrader/EastFedRegulator] No Trading Today
Cause: AkkaNetDemo.Exceptions.TradeException: No Trading Today
at AkkaNetDemo.Regulators.FederalRegulator.OnReceive(Object message) in c:\Users\Bob\Documents\GitHub\AkkaNetDemo\AkkaNetDemo\Regulators\FederalRegulator.cs:line 20
at Akka.Actor.UntypedActor.Receive(Object message)
at Akka.Actor.ActorBase.AroundReceive(Receive receive, Object message)
at Akka.Actor.ActorCell.ReceiveMessage(Object message)
at Akka.Actor.ActorCell.Invoke(Envelope envelope)
[INFO][2/27/2016 12:18:49 AM][Thread 0013][akka://TradingSystem/user/MyBroker/SellFloorTrader/EastFedRegulator] Message DeathWatchNotification from akka://TradingSystem/user/MyBroker/SellFloorTrader/EastFedRegulator to akka://TradingSystem/user/MyBroker/SellFloorTrader/EastFedRegulator was not delivered. 1 dead letters encountered.
[INFO][2/27/2016 12:18:49 AM][Thread 0012][akka://TradingSystem/user/MyBroker/SellFloorTrader/EastFedRegulator] Message DeathWatchNotification from akka://TradingSystem/user/MyBroker/SellFloorTrader/EastFedRegulator to akka://TradingSystem/user/MyBroker/SellFloorTrader/EastFedRegulator was not delivered. 2 dead letters encountered.
[INFO][2/27/2016 12:18:49 AM][Thread 0011][akka://TradingSystem/user/MyBroker/SellFloorTrader/EastFedRegulator] Message DeathWatchNotification from akka://TradingSystem/user/MyBroker/SellFloorTrader/EastFedRegulator to akka://TradingSystem/user/MyBroker/SellFloorTrader/EastFedRegulator was not delivered. 3 dead letters encountered.
EAST_USA is regulating the trade for, HP
CT is regulating the trade for, HP
MA is regulating the trade for, HP
NY is regulating the trade for, HP
Enter Trade: EAST_USA is regulating the trade for, HP
CT is regulating the trade for, HP
MA is regulating the trade for, HP
NY is regulating the trade for, HP
EAST_USA is regulating the trade for, HP
CT is regulating the trade for, HP
NY is regulating the trade for, HP
MA is regulating the trade for, HP
EAST_USA is regulating the trade for, HP
CT is regulating the trade for, HP
NY is regulating the trade for, HP
MA is regulating the trade for, HP
EAST_USA is regulating the trade for, HP
CT is regulating the trade for, HP
NY is regulating the trade for, HP
MA is regulating the trade for, HP
EAST_USA is regulating the trade for, HP
任何人都可以帮助我找出我的方式的错误。根据我一直在阅读的内容,当一个人使用 a 时OneForOneStrategy()