I am also following what this guy's asking storage of client credential on OAuth2 server about oauth2-server-php-docs. Although it answered one thing for the client secret, I wanna ask about the users credentials. Check the following code sample from oauth2-server-php-docs:

// create some users in memory
$users = array('bshaffer' => array('password' => 'brent123', 'first_name' => 'Brent', 'last_name' => 'Shaffer'));

// create a storage object
$storage = new OAuth2\Storage\Memory(array('user_credentials' => $users));

// create the grant type
$grantType = new OAuth2\GrantType\UserCredentials($storage);

// add the grant type to your OAuth server

It says that the user credentials will be stored in memory and that it doesn't say anything about password encryption. This is my use case -- I already have user credentials stored in MySQL with password encrypted using PHP password_hash(). So how can I match or use the line $storage = new OAuth2\Storage\Memory() if the $user['bshaffer']['password'] is just a plain text?


2 回答 2



注意:用户存储为每个应用程序高度定制,因此强烈建议您使用 OAuth2\Storage\UserCredentialsInterface 实现自己的存储


于 2020-03-11T14:16:44.213 回答

我通过拥有自己的网络架构并扩展 Pdo 存储对象来实现用户定义的 password_verify() 来做到这一点。因此,我创建了 mytoken.php,它从前端请求接收帖子,然后使用 AUTH 用户和密码 (client_secret) 再次向 token.php 发送一个到 的请求。我这样做是为了不从前端请求发送 client_secret。

于 2016-03-17T14:34:58.727 回答