这是我的 html 代码,其中包含我试图用来使日期条目无效/验证的代码片段,并希望声明所有相应和必要的变量。
<title> Booking Page </title>
function Booking(){
var departuredate = document.getElementById("departdate").value; //departure date selected by user
var arrivaldate = document.getElementById("arrivedate").value; //arrival date selected by user
departuredate = new Date(departuredate);
arrivaldate = new Date(arrivaldate);
CurrentDate = new Date(); //todays date
month = '' + (arrivaldate.getMonth() + 1),
day = '' + arrivaldate.getDate(),
year = arrivaldate.getFullYear();
var adate = [day, month, year].join('/');
var re = /[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4}/;
if (!adate.match(re))
document.getElementById("temp").innerHTML = "Incorrect format"
document.getElementById("arrivedate").style.border='1px solid red';
return false;
// if none of the above situaton's occur then the input is true and validated
alert('Dates are validated');
return true;
<H1> Booking Form </H1>
<Form action="testpage.py" method="POST" name="MyForm" onsubmit="return Booking()">
<p>Departure Date:</p>
<input type=date name="departdate" id="departdate" >
<p>Arrival Date:</p>
<input type=date name="arrivedate" id="arrivedate">
<input type=submit value="Find flights">