I know Directx for Dx9 at least, has a texture object where you are able to get only a small portion of the texture to CPU accessible memory. It was a function called "LockRect" I believe. OpenGL has glGetTexImage()
but it grabs the entire image and if the format isn't the same as the texture's then it is going to have to convert the entire texture into the new pixel format on top of transferring the entire texture. This function is also not in OpenGL ES. Framebuffers is another option but where I could potentially bind a framebuffer where a color attachment in connected to a texture. Then there is glReadPixels
which reads from the framebuffer, so it should be reading from the texture. glReadPixels
has limited pixel format options so a conversion is going to have to happen, but I can read the pixels I need (which is only 1 pixel). I haven't used this method but it seems like it is possible. If anyone can confirm the framebuffer method, that it is a working alternative. Then this method would also work for OpenGL ES 2+.
Are there any other methods? How efficient is the framebuffer method (if it works), does it end up having to convert the entire texture to the desired format before it reads the pixels or is it entirely implementation defined?
Edit: @Nicol_Bolas Please stop removing OpenGL from tags and adding OpenGL-ES, OpenGL-ES isn't applicable, OpenGL is. This is for OpenGL specifically but I would like it to be Open ES 2+ compatible if possible, though it doesn't have to be. If a OpenGL only solution is available then it is a consideration I will make if it is worth the trade off. Thank you.