我对 WatchConnectivity 有疑问。
在我的应用程序中,我将带有数据的字典发送到我的 AppleWatch。一切都在我的手表上运行。在那里,用户可以更改一些数据(我有一个艺术家列表,用户可以在其中选中或取消选中艺术家)。更改后,列表应通过 WatchConnectivity 发送回我的 iPhone。我使用函数 updateApplicationContext。在我的 AppDelegate 类中,字典被正确读出,但之后我想将我的艺术家设置为 NSUserDefaults,但如果我调试,我的 NSUserDefaults 中没有更改的值。
这是我的 AppDelegate
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, WCSessionDelegate {
var window: UIWindow?
func session(session: WCSession, didReceiveApplicationContext applicationContext: [String : AnyObject]){
if(applicationContext["myUserProfile"] != nil){
Utils().importMyUserProfileFromSession(applicationContext, getCompletionHandler: {(artists) -> Void in
Utils().saveArtists(artists, key: "profileArtistsFromWatch")
//in artists the Values are correct, so i save them here
//but if i want to read them out(load and save Function works!) the Array is empty...
let artists1 = Utils().loadArtists("profileArtistsFromWatch")
这是我的函数 importMyUserProfileFromSession
func importMyUserProfileFromSession(applicationContext: [String: AnyObject], getCompletionHandler : (artists: [Artist]) -> Void){
let me = self.getProfileData()
var myArtists = me.artists
if(applicationContext["myUserProfile"] != nil){
let dictUser :[String: AnyObject] = applicationContext["myUserProfile"] as! [String: AnyObject]
// print(dictUser)
var artists : [Artist] = [Artist]()
if dictUser["artists"] != nil{
let dictArtists :[Int: AnyObject] = dictUser["artists"] as! [Int: AnyObject]
for j in 0..<dictArtists.count{
let dictArtist :[String: AnyObject] = dictArtists[j] as! [String: AnyObject]
var a : Artist = Artist()
if dictArtist["id"] != nil{
let indexOfArtist = self.getArtistById(dictArtist["id"] as! Int, artists: myArtists)
if(indexOfArtist != -1){
a.id = myArtists[indexOfArtist].id as! Int
a.idInApp = dictArtist["id"] as! Int
if dictArtist["name"] != nil{
a.name = dictArtist["name"] as! String
if dictArtist["image"] != nil{
let imageData: NSData = dictArtist["image"] as! NSData
a.imageData = imageData
if dictArtist["active"] != nil{
let active: Bool = dictArtist["active"] as! Bool
a.display = active
getCompletionHandler(artists: artists)