如何检测开发人员何时更新与 CVS 中的标签/标签关联的文件,然后将标签更改为指向新版本?用例是开发人员在签入和标记的文件经过同行评审和批准之后,但在构建和部署之前偷偷地进行更改。我想避免在两个不同的时间点获取和区分所有文件。是否可以获得与标签关联的所有文件的校验和?
You could use a CVS taginfo
hook to either log or email whenever a developer tags anything. There is example usage in this question. This would give you some visibility on who is retagging things and when.
CVS does not provide checksumming of files but you could certainly add in a checksumming taginfo hook and the output could be appended to your log/email. The only thing to be wary of here is CVS keyword substitution. If you make use of that at all then any simple checksumming will be pointless.
Setting aside the technicalities, this may just be a policy issue. If you don't want your developers retagging things (except under exceptional circumstances) then make that the policy and make them aware of it. Make sure there is a known process for dealing with code changes that need to be made after the review stage.