我正在使用Pdftk和pdftk-php(基于 forge-fdf)。我想生成一个可以与 PDF 合并的 FDF,以填写具有多个选项的下拉文本框。pdftk-php 默认的工作方式,它只会用单个值填充下拉列表;传递给它一个数组是行不通的。
这是 pdftk 文件名 dump_data_fields 的相关输出。
FieldType: Choice
FieldName: VehicleIDData1
FieldFlags: 4587520
FieldJustification: Left
根据 PDF 1.2 规范中的这个示例,下拉菜单似乎需要 FDF 中的 /Opt 选项。
1 0 obj <<
/FDF <<
/T (My Children)
/V (Tali)
/Opt [(Maya) (Adam) (Tali)]
November 12, 1996
: 379
/F (Dependents.pdf)
<</Root 1 0 R>>
1.7规范中第 717 页的表格支持这一点
(Required; choice fields only) An array of options to be presented to the user. Each element of the array can take either of two forms:
•A text string representing one of the available options
•A two-element array consisting of a text string representing one of the available options and a default appearance string for constructing the item’s appearance dynamically at viewing time (see “Variable Text” on page 677)
pdftk-php 不使用 /Opt;如果您将一个字段的值数组传递给它,它将使用 /Kids,它不会填写其他下拉条目。我尝试修改程序以改用 /Opt ,但生成的 PDF 没有区别。我究竟做错了什么?
protected function forge_fdf_fields( &$fdf,
$strings_b ) // true <==> $fdf_data contains string data
// string data is used for text fields, combo boxes and list boxes;
// name data is used for checkboxes and radio buttons, and
// /Yes and /Off are commonly used for true and false
if( 0< strlen( $accumulated_name ) ) {
$accumulated_name.= '.'; // append period seperator
foreach( $fdf_data as $key => $value ) {
// we use string casts to prevent numeric strings from being silently converted to numbers
$fdf.= "<< "; // open dictionary
if( gettype($value)== 'array' ) { // parent; recurse
$fdf.= "/T (".$this->escape_pdf_string( (string)$key ).") "; // partial field name
$fdf .= "/V (" . $this->escape_pdf_string((string)$value[0]) . ") ";
$fdf .= "/Opt [";
foreach ($value as $option) {
$fdf .= "(" . $this->escape_pdf_string((string)$option) . ") ";
/* This is the older code I'm replacing.
$fdf.= "/Kids [ "; // open Kids array
// recurse
$this->forge_fdf_fields( $fdf,
$accumulated_name. (string)$key,
$strings_b );
$fdf.= "] "; // close Kids array
} else {
// field name
$fdf.= "/T (".$this->escape_pdf_string( (string)$key ).") ";
// field value
if( $strings_b ) { // string
$fdf.= "/V (".$this->escape_pdf_string( (string)$value ).") ";
else { // name
$fdf.= "/V /".$this->escape_pdf_name( (string)$value ). " ";
// field flags
$this->forge_fdf_fields_flags( $fdf,
$accumulated_name. (string)$key,
$fields_readonly );
$fdf.= ">> \x0d"; // close dictionary