我正在开发一个用户界面,“仪表板”,上面有一些 div 框,其中包含与当前登录用户相关的信息。他们的日历、待办事项列表和一些从谷歌电子表格中动态提取的统计数据。

我在这里找到: http ://code.google.com/apis/spreadsheets/data/3.0/reference.html#CellFeed 可以使用如下网址从工作表中请求特定的单元格:

我简要地研究了 Zend GData,但它似乎比我试图做的要复杂得多。

因此,我编写了两个 php 函数:(in hours.php)
1.)file_get_contents()根据参数行、列和工作表执行生成的 url
2.) 使用循环中的第一个来查找关联的列号使用给定的名称。

所以基本上我使用 jQuery 执行 ajax 请求,如下所示:


function ajaxStats(fullname)
        url: "lib/dashboard.stats.php?name="+fullname,
        cache: false,
        success: function(html){
            document.getElementById("stats").innerHTML = html;


// 开始文件 hours.php

function getCol($name)
    while(getCell($r,$c,1) != $name)
    {    $c++;    }
    return $c;

function getCell($r, $c, $sheet)
    $baseurl = "http://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/cells/";
    $spreadsheet = "0AnhvV5acDaAvdDRvVmk1bi02WmJBeUtBak5xMmFTNEE/";
    $sheetID = $sheet . "/";
    $vis = "public/";
    $proj = "basic/";
    $cell = "R".$r."C".$c;

    $url = $baseurl . $spreadsheet . $sheetID . $vis . $proj . $cell . "";
    $xml = file_get_contents($url);

    //Sometimes the data is not xml formatted,
    //so lets try to remove the url
    $urlLen = strlen($url);
    $xmlWOurl = substr($xml, $urlLen);

    //then find the Z (in the datestamp, assuming its always there)
    $posZ = strrpos($xmlWOurl, "Z");
    //then substr from z2end
    $data = substr($xmlWOurl, $posZ + 1);

    //if the result has more than ten characters then something went wrong
    //And most likely it is xml formatted
    if(strlen($data) > 10) 
        //Asuming we have xml 
        $datapos = strrpos($xml,"<content type='text'>");
        $datapos += 21;
        $datawj = substr($xml, $datapos);
        $endcont = strpos($datawj,"</content>");
        return substr($datawj, 0,$endcont);
        return $data;



// This file is requested using ajax from the main dashboard because it takes so long to load,
// as to not slow down the usage of the rest of the page.

if (!empty($_GET['name']))
    include "hours.php";
    // GetCollumn of which C#R1 = users name
    $col = getCol($_GET['name']);
    // then get cell from each of the sheets for that user,
    // assuming they are in the same column of each sheet
    $s1 = getcell(3, $col, 1);
    $s2 = getcell(3, $col, 2);
    $s3 = getcell(3, $col, 3);
    $s4 = getcell(3, $col, 4);
    // Store my loot in the session varibles,
    // so next time I want this, I don't need to fetch it
    $_SESSION['fhrs'] = $s1;
    $_SESSION['fdol'] = $s2;
    $_SESSION['chrs'] = $s3;
    $_SESSION['bhrs'] = $s4;
<!-- and finally output the information formated for the widget-->
<strong>You have:</strong><br/>
<ul style="padding-left: 10px;">
    <li>        <strong><?php echo $_SESSION['fhrs']; ?></strong> fundraising hours<br/></li>
    <li>earned $<strong><?php echo $_SESSION['fdol']; ?></strong> fundraising<br/></li>
    <li>        <strong><?php echo $_SESSION['chrs']; ?></strong> community service hours<br/></li>
    <li>        <strong><?php echo $_SESSION['bhrs']; ?></strong> build hours <br/></li>


我认为我失去 4 秒的地方是getCol()[hours.php]中的 while 循环

我应该放弃这个,然后去 Zend GData 吗?


1 回答 1


我在 while 循环中没有适当的中断,即使找到合适的人,它也会继续循环。

加上请求需要时间去谷歌电子表格。每个请求大约 0.025 秒。

我还与 ZendGdata 的用户交谈过,他们说请求并没有快多少。

于 2010-11-29T00:24:30.517 回答